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There are 18 ten-letter words containing ODIC

ANODICALLYanodically adv. In an anodic manner.
ANODIC adv. of or like an anode.
CODICOLOGYcodicology n. The study of codices (early handwritten books).
CODICOLOGY n. the study of manuscripts.
EPISODICALepisodical adj. Episodic.
EPISODICAL adj. pertaining to or contained in an episode, also EPISODAL, EPISODIAL, EPISODIC.
ERGODICITYergodicity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being ergodic.
ergodicity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is ergodic.
ERGODICITY n. the state of being ergodic, relating to the probability that in a system any state will occur again.
HARMOLODICharmolodic adj. Of or pertaining to harmolodics.
HARMOLODIC adj. relating to a jazz technique where each musician in a group simultaneously improvising around the melodic and rhythmic patterns in a tune.
HEPTAPODICHEPTAPODIC adj. of a verse, having seven feet.
HYMNODICALHYMNODICAL adj. relating to a hymnody.
LAODICEANSLaodiceans n. Plural of Laodicean.
LAODICEAN n. a person having a lukewarm attitude in religious matters.
METHODICALmethodical adj. In an organized manner; proceeding with regard to method; systematic.
methodical adj. Arranged with regard to method; disposed in a suitable manner, or in a manner to illustrate a subject…
METHODICAL adj. arranged, characterized by, or performed with method or order, also METHODIC.
PENTAPODICPENTAPODIC adj. relating to pentapody, a measure of five feet.
PERIODICALperiodical n. A publication issued regularly, but less frequently than daily.
periodical n. A regularly issued thematic publication that contains the most current information in its field, often…
periodical adj. Periodic.
PROSODICALprosodical adj. Alternative form of prosodic.
PROSODICAL adj. of or pertaining to prosody, also PROSODIC.
RETRODICTSretrodicts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retrodict.
RETRODICT v. to utilize present information or ideas to infer or explain (a past event or state of affairs).
SODICITIESsodicities n. Plural of sodicity.
SODICITY n. the amount of sodium in soils.
TETRAPODICTETRAPODIC adj. of verse, having four metrical feet.
THEODICEANtheodicean adj. Relating to theodicy.
THEODICEAN adj. practising theodicy, defense of God's goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil.
THEODICEAN n. a practitioner of theodicy.
THEODICIEStheodicies n. Plural of theodicy.
THEODICY n. a defence of God's goodness as against the existence of evil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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