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There are 15 ten-letter words containing ODIA

ARTHRODIAEARTHRODIA n. in zoology, a joint.
ARTHRODIALarthrodial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to arthrodia or to an arthrosis.
ARTHRODIAL adj. relating to arthrodia, a joint.
AUTODIALEDautodialed v. Past participle of autodial.
AUTODIAL v. to dial a telephone number automatically.
CUSTODIANScustodians n. Plural of custodian.
CUSTODIAN n. a person who has care such as of a public building, also CUSTODE, CUSTODIER.
MONOPODIALmonopodial adj. (Botany) Having a monopodium or a single and continuous axis, as a birch twig or a cornstalk.
MONOPODIAL adj. having a monopodium or a single and continuous axis, as a birchen twig or a cornstalk.
MONOPODIASMONOPODIA n. a physical deformity in which the lower limbs appear to be fused together.
PARAPODIALparapodial adj. Pertaining to the parapodium.
PARAPODIAL adj. relating to a parapodium, one of the lateral appendages of an annelid.
PHYLLODIALphyllodial adj. Relating to a phyllodium.
PHYLLODIAL adj. relating to a phyllode, a flattened stem functioning as leaf.
PLASMODIALplasmodial adj. (Biology) Resembling or relating to a plasmodium.
PLASMODIAL adj. of or pertaining to, or like, a plasmodium; as, the plasmodial form of a life cycle.
PODIATRIESPODIATRY n. the study and treatment of the human foot.
PODIATRISTpodiatrist n. (Medicine) A health care practitioner who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of foot ailments.
PODIATRIST n. one who practises podiatry.
PROSODIANSprosodians n. Plural of prosodian.
PROSODIAN n. one skilled in prosody, also PROSODIST.
STAMINODIAstaminodia n. Plural of staminodium.
STAMINODIUM n. a sterile stamen, also STAMINODE.
STYLOPODIAstylopodia n. Plural of stylopodium.
STYLOPODIUM n. an enlargement at the end of the style base of certain flowers.
THRENODIALthrenodial adj. Pertaining or similar to a threnody.
THRENODIAL adj. of or like a threnody, a song of lamentation for the dead, also THRENETIC, THRENETICAL, THRENODIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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