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There are 15 words containing OSQ

BOSQUEbosque n. Rare spelling of bosk.
bosque n. (Southwestern US) A gallery forest found growing along a river bank or on the flood plain of a watercourse.
Bosque prop.n. A surname.
MOSQUEmosque n. (Islam) A place of worship for Muslims, often having at least one minaret; a masjid.
MOSQUE n. (Arabic) a Muslim place of worship, also MOSK.
BOSQUESbosques n. Plural of bosque (rare, 19th-century spelling of bosk).
bosques n. Plural of bosque (riverside woodland).
Bosques prop.n. Plural of Bosque.
BOSQUETbosquet n. Alternative spelling of bosket.
BOSQUET n. a thicket, a plantation, also BOSK, BOSKET, BOSQUE, BUSKET.
MOSQUESmosques n. Plural of mosque.
MOSQUE n. (Arabic) a Muslim place of worship, also MOSK.
BOSQUETSbosquets n. Plural of bosquet.
BOSQUET n. a thicket, a plantation, also BOSK, BOSKET, BOSQUE, BUSKET.
MOSQUITOmosquito n. A small flying insect of the family Culicidae, the females of which bite humans and animals and suck…
mosquito v. To fly close to the ground, seemingly without a course.
Mosquito prop.n. A settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador.
MOSQUITOSmosquitos n. Plural of mosquito.
mosquitos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mosquito.
Mosquitos n. Plural of Mosquito.
MOSQUITOESmosquitoes n. Plural of mosquito.
Mosquitoes n. Plural of Mosquito.
MOSQUITO n. any dipterous insect of the family Culicidae.
MOSQUITOEYmosquitoey adj. Swarming with mosquitoes.
MOSQUITOEY adj. full of mosquitoes.
MOSQUITOIERMOSQUITOEY adj. full of mosquitoes.
ANTIMOSQUITOantimosquito adj. Countering mosquitos.
ANTIMOSQUITO adj. designed to repel mosquitoes.
MOSQUITOFISHmosquitofish n. Any of several small fish that feed on mosquitoes, but especially those of the genus Gambusia.
MOSQUITOFISH n. a species of freshwater fish, native to the southeastern US.
MOSQUITOIESTMOSQUITOEY adj. full of mosquitoes.
MOSQUITOFISHESmosquitofishes n. Plural of mosquitofish.
MOSQUITOFISH n. a species of freshwater fish, native to the southeastern US.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 149 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 567 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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