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There are 14 nine-letter words containing ORH

BIORHYTHMbiorhythm n. (Biology) Any cyclic biological or physiological pattern or activity.
biorhythm n. (Pseudoscience) Any of three sinusoidal graphs, normally plotted by computer, having a person’s birthdate…
BIORHYTHM n. a periodic change in the behaviour or physiology of many animals and plants (e.g. hibernation and migration) mediated by hormones which are in turn influenced by changes in day-length.
FLOORHEADfloorhead n. (Nautical) Any of the upper extremities of the floor of a vessel.
FLOORHEAD n. the upper end of a ship's floor timber.
FORHAILEDFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FORHAILESFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FORHOOIEDFORHOOIE v. (Scots) to desert or abandon, also FORHOW, FORHOO.
FORHOOIESFORHOOIE v. (Scots) to desert or abandon, also FORHOW, FORHOO.
FORHOOINGFORHOO v. (Scots) to desert or abandon, also FORHOOIE, FORHOW.
FORHOWINGforhowing v. Present participle of forhow.
FORHOW v. to desert or abandon, also FORHOO, FORHOOIE.
FRITHBORHfrithborh n. (Obsolete) A frankpledge.
FRITHBORH n. (Old English) a surety for keeping the peace, aka frankpledge.
MONORHINEmonorhine adj. Monorhinal.
MONORHINE adj. having one nostril, also MONORHINAL.
MONORHINE n. an animal that has one nasal orifice.
MONORHYMEmonorhyme n. (Poetry) A poem or rhyme scheme whose lines all end with the same rhyme.
monorhyme adj. Having a single rhyme.
MONORHYME n. a series of lines all rhyming together.
MOTORHOMEmotorhome n. Alternative spelling of motor home.
motor-home n. Alternative spelling of motor home.
motor␣home n. A type of recreational vehicle, a self-propelled structure built on a truck or bus chassis containing…
MYCORHIZAMYCORHIZA n. a fungus associated with the root of a plant, the association of mutual benefit, also MYCORRHIZA.
POORHOUSEpoorhouse n. A charitable institution where poor or homeless people are lodged.
poorhouse n. A workhouse.
poor␣house n. Alternative form of poorhouse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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