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There are 14 eight-letter words containing OUV

BOUVIERSBOUVIER n. (French) a large rough-coated dog originally bred in Flanders to herd and guard cattle.
COUVADEScouvades n. Plural of couvade.
COUVADE n. (French) a primitive birth ritual.
COUVERTScouverts n. Plural of couvert.
COUVERT n. (French) a cover (at table).
LOUVEREDlouvered adj. (American spelling) Having louvers.
LOUVERED adj. having louvers, sloping slats placed across an opening, also LOUVRED.
NOUVEAUXNOUVEAU n. (French) something new.
NOUVELLENOUVELLE n. (French) a long short story.
OUVRAGESOUVRAGE n. (French) work.
OUVRIEREouvriere n. Alternative form of ouvrière.
ouvrière n. A female ouvrier.
OUVRIERE n. (French) a (female) manual or industrial worker, also OUVRIER.
OUVRIERSouvriers n. Plural of ouvrier.
OUVRIER n. (French) a (male) manual or industrial worker, also OUVRIERE.
SOUVENIRsouvenir n. An item of sentimental value, that is given or kept to remember an event or location.
souvenir v. (Transitive) To take (something) as a souvenir, especially illicitly, for example during wartime.
SOUVENIR n. a remembrance.
SOUVLAKIsouvlaki n. A Greek fast food consisting of pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer, variously…
souvlaki n. A wrapped pancake dish filled with meat, salad and some kind of sauce or dressing, commonly called a kebab.
SOUVLAKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish of lamb, similar to a shish kebab, also SOUVLAKIA.
TROUVEREtrouvère n. A medieval lyric poet using the Northern langue d’oïl (precursor dialects of modern French), as opposed…
TROUVERE n. (French) one of a school of poets who flourished in northern France from the eleventh to the fourteenth century, also TROUVEUR.
TROUVEURtrouveur n. (Dated) A minstrel, a troubadour.
TROUVEUR n. (French) one of a school of poets who flourished in northern France from the eleventh to the fourteenth century, also TROUVERE.
VOUVRAYSVouvrays n. Plural of Vouvray.
VOUVRAY n. (French) a French white wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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