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There are 20 eight-letter words containing OGL

BOGLANDSboglands n. Plural of bogland.
BOGLAND n. marshland.
FOGLIGHTfoglight n. Alternative form of fog light.
fog␣light n. (Automotive) One of a pair of lights, mounted at the front of a car, below the headlights, usually white…
FOGLIGHT n. a motor-vehicle light used in foggy conditions.
FROGLETSfroglets n. Plural of froglet.
FROGLET n. a small frog, also FROGLING.
FROGLIKEfroglike adj. Similar to a frog (amphibian), or to a characteristic of a frog.
froglike adv. In a froglike way.
frog-like adj. Alternative form of froglike.
FROGLINGfrogling n. A young or little frog.
FROGLING n. a small frog, also FROGLET.
GOOGLIESgooglies n. Plural of googly.
GOOGLY n. a type of bowled ball in cricket.
GOOGLINGgoogling v. Present participle of google.
Googling v. Present participle of Google.
GOOGLE v. to look for information using the web search engine Google.
ISOGLOSSisogloss n. (Linguistics) A line on a map indicating the geographical boundaries of a linguistic feature.
ISOGLOSS n. a line indicating linguistically varied areas.
LOGLINESloglines n. Plural of logline.
LOGLINE n. a line for finding the speed of a vessel.
MESOGLEAmesoglea n. A gelatinous material found between the epithelial cellular layers of jellyfish and coelenterates.
MESOGLEA n. a gelatinous layer between the endoderm and ectoderm of a coelenterate, also MESOGLOEA.
MONOGLOTmonoglot n. A person capable of speaking only a single language.
monoglot adj. Capable of speaking only a single language; monolingual.
MONOGLOT n. a person speaking or writing only one language.
ROSOGLIOrosoglio n. Alternative form of rosolio.
ROSOGLIO n. (Italian) a sweet cordial made with raisins, also ROSOLIO.
SHOOGLEDshoogled v. Simple past tense and past participle of shoogle.
SHOOGLE v. (Scots) to swing, sway back and forth, also SHOGGLE, SHOOGIE.
SHOOGLESshoogles n. Plural of shoogle.
shoogles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shoogle.
SHOOGLE v. (Scots) to swing, sway back and forth, also SHOGGLE, SHOOGIE.
SMOGLESSsmogless adj. Free from smog.
SMOGLESS adj. without smog.
SPROGLETsproglet n. (Informal) A small child.
SPROGLET n. a small child.
ZOOGLEAEzoogleae n. Plural of zooglea.
ZOOGLEA n. (Greek) a jellylike mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLOEA.
ZOOGLEALzoogleal adj. Alternative form of zoogloeal.
ZOOGLEAL adj. of or like a zooglea, a mucilaginous mass of bacteria embedded in slimy material derived from swollen cell walls.
ZOOGLEASzoogleas n. Plural of zooglea.
ZOOGLEA n. (Greek) a jellylike mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLOEA.
ZOOGLOEAzoogloea n. (Biology) A colony or mass of bacteria embedded in a viscous gelatinous substance, characteristic of…
zoöglœa n. Alternative spelling of zoogloea.
ZOOGLOEA n. (Greek) a jellylike mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLEA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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