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There are 17 eight-letter words containing OAP

APOAPSESAPOAPSIS n. (Latin) the high point in an orbit.
APOAPSISapoapsis n. (Astronomy) The point of a body’s elliptical orbit about the system’s centre of mass where the distance…
APOAPSIS n. (Latin) the high point in an orbit.
COAPPEARcoappear v. To appear together.
COAPPEAR v. to appear together at the same time.
COAPTINGcoapting v. Present participle of coapt.
COAPT v. to fit together and make fast.
DOCUSOAPdocusoap n. A form of reality television in the style of a documentary in which an apparent plot is constructed…
DOCUSOAP n. a television series that follows the lives of real people over a period of time.
SANDSOAPsandsoap n. A kind of soap with embedded grains of sand, giving it a coarse, gritty texture, and used for exfoliation…
SANDSOAP n. a soap for heavy cleaning.
SOAPBARKsoapbark n. The bark of the evergreen tree, Quillaja saponaria, which when pulverised forms a lather with water.
soapbark n. The tree Quillaja saponaria.
SOAPBARK n. a South American tree, the bark of which can be used as soap.
SOAPDISHsoapdish n. Alternative form of soap dish.
soap␣dish n. A dish-like container to hold a bar of soap, often mounted to the wall of a bathroom.
SOAPDISH n. a dish for holding soap.
SOAPFISHsoapfish n. Any of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus.
soapfish n. A species of lizardfish (Synodus foetens).
SOAPFISH n. a tropical fish that produces toxic mucus.
SOAPIESTsoapiest adj. Superlative form of soapy: most soapy.
SOAPY adj. like soap.
SOAPLANDsoapland n. A kind of Japanese brothel, ostensibly for bathing.
soapland n. (Television) The world of soap operas.
SOAPLAND n. (slang) a red-light district.
SOAPLESSsoapless adj. Without soap.
SOAPLESS adj. without soap.
SOAPLIKEsoaplike adj. Resembling or characteristic of soap.
soaplike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a soap opera.
SOAPLIKE adj. like soap.
SOAPROOTsoaproot n. A perennial herb (Gypsophila struthium) whose root was formerly used as a substitute for soap.
SOAPROOT n. any plant whose root can be used for soap.
SOAPSUDSsoapsuds n. Alternative spelling of soap suds.
soap␣suds n. Lather, suds, foam produced by soap in water.
SOAPSUDS n. soapy water.
SOAPWORTsoapwort n. Any perennial herb of the genus Saponaria.
SOAPWORT n. a tall herb of the pink family, whose roots and leaves contain saponin.
UNSOAPEDunsoaped adj. Not soaped; unwashed.
UNSOAPED adj. not soaped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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