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There are 19 seven-letter words containing OYA

ATEMOYAatemoya n. A hybrid between a cherimoya and a sweetsop.
atemoya n. The tree that bears this fruit.
ATEMOYA n. a tropical fruit of a tree that is a hybrid of the sweetsop and the cherimoya.
BOYARDSboyards n. Plural of boyard.
BOYARD n. (Russian) a member of the old Russian aristocracy, abolished by Peter the Great, also BOYAR.
BUOYAGEbuoyage n. A series of buoys or floating beacons to mark the course for vessels.
buoyage n. (Nautical) Any of several codes of practice under which buoys of various shapes and colours are used…
BUOYAGE n. a group of buoys.
BUOYANTbuoyant adj. Having buoyancy; able to float.
buoyant adj. (Figuratively) Lighthearted and lively.
buoyant adj. (Of an economy, business etc.) Involving or engaged in much successful trade or activity.
COCOYAMcocoyam n. New cocoyam: Xanthosoma, particularly Xanthosoma sagittifolium, or the edible root of that plant; malanga.
cocoyam n. Old cocoyam: Colocasia esculenta; taro.
COCOYAM n. a tropical tuber.
JOYANCEjoyance n. (Archaic, poetic) Enjoyment, joy, delight.
JOYANCE n. delight.
LOYALERloyaler adj. Comparative form of loyal: more loyal.
LOYAL adj. faithful.
LOYALLYloyally adv. In a loyal manner, faithfully.
LOYAL adv. faithful.
LOYALTYloyalty n. The state of being loyal; fidelity.
loyalty n. Faithfulness or devotion to some person, cause or nation.
LOYALTY n. the state of being loyal, also LOYALISM.
MACOYASmacoyas n. Plural of macoya.
MACOYA n. (Spanish) an American palm, whose nuts yield a violet-scented oil, also MACAHUBA.
NOYADESnoyades n. Plural of noyade.
NOYADE n. (French) drowning, esp. of many persons together as form of execution.
NOYANCEnoyance n. (Archaic) The state of being annoyed; distress, irritation.
noyance n. (Archaic) The act of annoying; molestation.
noyance n. (Law, obsolete) Nuisance.
ROYALETroyalet n. A petty or powerless king.
ROYALET n. a petty king.
ROYALLYroyally adv. In a royal manner; in a manner having to do with royalty.
royally adv. (Colloquial) Excessively; thoroughly.
ROYAL adv. relating to a king or queen.
ROYALTYroyalty n. The rank, status, power or authority of a monarch.
royalty n. People of royal rank, plus their families, treated as a group.
royalty n. A royal right or prerogative, such as the exploitation of a natural resource; the granting of such a…
UNROYALunroyal adj. Not royal; in particular, not appropriate for a royal.
UNROYAL adj. not royal.
VOYAGEDvoyaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of voyage.
VOYAGE v. to travel.
VOYAGERvoyager n. A person who voyages, traveller, a person who explores new lands and worlds.
VOYAGER n. one who voyages.
VOYAGESvoyages n. Plural of voyage.
voyages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of voyage.
VOYAGE v. to travel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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