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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing OSP

COSPLAYcosplay n. (Uncountable) The art or practice of costuming oneself as a (usually fictional) character.
cosplay n. (Countable) A skit or instance of this art or practice.
cosplay v. (Intransitive) To costume oneself as a character.
GOSPELSgospels n. Plural of gospel.
Gospels n. Plural of Gospel.
GOSPEL v. to teach about the life of Christ.
GOSPODAGOSPODA n. (Romanian) a Russian title of address, equivalent to Mr, also GOSPODIN.
GOSPORTGosport prop.n. A town and borough of Hampshire, England, next to Portsmouth.
Gosport n. Short for Gosport tube.
GOSPORT n. a communication device in an airplane.
HOSPICEhospice n. (Countable, dated) A lodging for pilgrims or the destitute, normally provided by a monastic order.
hospice n. (Uncountable) The provision of palliative care for terminally ill patients, either at a specialized…
hospice n. (Countable) A specialized facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill.
ISOSPINisospin n. (Physics) A quantum number or symmetry related to the strong interaction.
ISOSPIN n. a quantum number applied to members of closely related groups of particles.
OOSPERMoosperm n. (Biology) The ovum, after fusion with the spermatozoon in impregnation.
OOSPERM n. a fertilized egg.
OOSPOREoospore n. (Biology) A fertilized female zygote, having thick chitinous walls, that develops from a fertilized…
oöspore n. Alternative form of oospore.
OOSPORE n. a fertilized egg within an oogonium.
OSPREYSospreys n. Plural of osprey.
OSPREY n. a bird of prey that feeds on fish.
PROSPERprosper v. (Transitive) To favor; to render successful.
prosper v. (Intransitive) To be successful; to succeed; to be fortunate or prosperous; to thrive; to make gain.
prosper v. (Intransitive) To grow; to increase.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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