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There are 18 seven-letter words containing ONU

BONUSEDbonused v. Simple past tense and past participle of bonus.
BONUS v. in Scrabble, to play all seven of one's tiles in a single turn.
BONUSESbonuses n. Plural of bonus.
bonuses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bonus.
Bonuses prop.n. Plural of Bonus.
COCONUTcoconut n. A fruit of the coconut palm (not a true nut), Cocos nucifera, having a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed.
coconut n. A hard-shelled seed of this fruit, having white flesh and a fluid-filled central cavity.
coconut n. (Uncountable) The edible white flesh of this fruit.
COLONUScolonus n. (Historical) A sharecropping tenant farmer of the late Roman Empire and Early Middle Ages.
COLONUS n. (Latin) a freeborn serf.
CONURESconures n. Plural of conure.
CONURE n. a tropical finch.
ECONUTSeconuts n. Plural of econut.
ECONUT n. one concerned for the environment.
HOKONUIHOKONUI n. (Maori) illicit whiskey.
MONURONmonuron n. A particular herbicide.
MONURON n. a herbicide.
NONUPLEnonuple n. A ninefold amount or number.
NONUPLE n. a set of nine.
NONUSERnonuser n. A person who is not a user (Of drugs, a computer system, etc.).
nonuser n. (Law) Neglect or omission to use an easement or franchise or to assert a right.
NONUSER n. one that is not a user.
NONUSESnonuses n. Plural of nonuse.
non-uses n. Plural of non-use.
NONUSE n. failure to use.
TONUSEStonuses n. Plural of tonus.
TONUS n. (Greek) the normal state of tension in muscle tissue, also TONICITY.
ZONULAEzonulae n. Plural of zonula.
ZONULA n. (Latin) a small zone, also ZONULE, ZONULET.
ZONULARzonular adj. Pertaining to a zonule or zonules.
ZONULAR adj. like a zone.
ZONULASzonulas n. Plural of zonula.
ZONULA n. (Latin) a small zone, also ZONULE, ZONULET.
ZONULESzonules n. Plural of zonule.
ZONULE n. a small zone, also ZONULA, ZONULET.
ZONULETzonulet n. A zonule.
ZONULET n. a small belt or girdle, also ZONULA, ZONULE.
ZONURESzonures n. Plural of zonure.
ZONURE n. a kind of tropical lizard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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