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There are 8 seven-letter words containing OMN

OMNEITYomneity n. (Obsolete) The fact or condition of being all, specifically as an attribute of God.
OMNEITY n. allness, also OMNIETY.
OMNIANAomniana n. (Dated) A work containing information on every topic.
OMNIANA n. (Latin) miscellaneous collectable items about all sorts of things.
OMNIBUSomnibus n. (Dated) A vehicle set up to carry many people (now usually called a bus).
omnibus n. An anthology of previously released material linked together by theme or author, especially in book form.
omnibus n. A broadcast programme consisting of all of the episodes of a serial that have been shown in the previous week.
OMNIETYomniety n. That which is all-pervading or all-comprehensive; hence, God.
OMNIETY n. allness, also OMNEITY.
OMNIFIComnific adj. Capable of making or doing anything; all-creating.
OMNIFIC adj. (Latin) unlimited in creative power.
OMNIUMSomniums n. Plural of omnium.
OMNIUM n. (Latin) the aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan to government is now usually funded.
ROMNEYAromneya n. (Botany) Any of the genus Romneya of flowering plants of the poppy family, perennial subshrubs with…
ROMNEYA n. a plant with large white flowers.
SOMNIALsomnial adj. (Rare) Pertaining to dreams.
SOMNIAL adj. pertaining to dreams.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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