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There are 18 seven-letter words containing OIR

ARMOIREarmoire n. A type of cupboard, cabinet, or wardrobe - originally used for storing weapons.
ARMOIRE n. (French) a large ornate cabinet.
BONSOIRBONSOIR interj. (French) good evening.
BOUDOIRboudoir n. A woman’s private sitting room, dressing room, or bedroom.
BOUDOIR n. (French) a woman's bedroom.
CHOIREDchoired v. Simple past tense and past participle of choir.
CHOIR v. to sing in chorus.
COULOIRcouloir n. (Climbing, skiing) A steep gorge along a mountainside.
couloir n. (Rare) A corridor or passage.
COULOIR n. (French) a steep mountainside gorge.
DEVOIRSdevoirs n. Plural of devoir.
DEVOIR n. (French) duty, responsibility; a usually formal act of civility or respect.
ESPOIRSESPOIR n. (French) a category of wrestler.
FOODOIRfoodoir n. A memoir that focuses on food and/or includes recipes.
FOODOIR n. a book or blog that combines a personal memoir with a series of recipes.
GLOIRESGLOIRE n. (French) glory.
MEMOIRSmemoirs n. Plural of memoir.
memoirs n. An autobiography.
MEMOIR n. a biography.
MOMOIRSmomoirs n. Plural of momoir.
MOMOIR n. a memoir written by a mother, concentrating on the experience of motherhood.
NOIRISHnoirish adj. (Film, art) Having the character of film noir.
NOIRISH adj. pertaining to noir, a type of crime fiction.
PISSOIRpissoir n. A public urinal typically found in European, especially French, streets.
PISSOIR n. (French) a public urinal.
POCHOIRpochoir n. A technique in visual art consisting of applying various stencils (perforated templates).
POCHOIR n. (French) a manual colour stencilling onto a printed illustration.
RACLOIRracloir n. (Archeology) A prehistoric flint scraper.
RACLOIR n. (French) a scraper.
SAUTOIRsautoir n. A ribbon, chain, scarf, or the like, tied around the neck in such a manner that the ends cross over each other.
sautoir n. A chain to which a pendant is attached, worn around the neck.
SAUTOIR n. (French) a long necklace, or pendant on a long chain, also SAUTOIRE.
SOIREESsoirees n. Plural of soiree.
soirées n. Plural of soirée.
SOIREE n. (French) an evening party.
TERROIRterroir n. The complete set of local conditions in which a particular wine or family of wines is produced, including…
TERROIR n. (French) the combination of factors, such as soil and climate, that gives a wine its character.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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