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There are 19 seven-letter words containing OGU

BOGUSLYbogusly adv. In a bogus way; phonily.
BOGUS adv. not genuine, counterfeit.
BROGUESbrogues n. Plural of brogue.
BROGUE n. a strong and tough working shoe, also BROGAN.
DROGUESdrogues n. Plural of drogue.
DROGUE n. a funnel-shaped sea anchor; a type of parachute.
DROGUETdroguet n. A ribbed woollen dress fabric, a variety of rep.
DROGUET n. (French) a ribbed woollen dress, also DRUGGET.
ECLOGUEeclogue n. A pastoral poem, often in the form of a shepherd’s monologue or a dialogue between shepherds.
ECLOGUE n. a pastoral poem, often in the form of a dialogue between shepherds, also AEGLOGUE.
EMBOGUEembogue v. (Archaic) To disembogue; to discharge, as a river, its waters into the sea or another river.
EMBOGUE v. to flow out from a river mouth.
MOGULEDmoguled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mogul.
moguled adj. Covered with moguls (skiing bumps).
MOGULED adj. having obstacles on a ski slope.
PIROGUEpirogue n. A canoe of shallow draft, made by hollowing a log.
pirogue n. A small flat-bottom boat of shallow draft.
pirogue n. (Cajun cooking) A boat-shaped food that is stuffed with seafood.
ROGUERYroguery n. Malicious or reckless behaviour.
roguery n. Mischievous behaviour.
ROGUERY n. roguish conduct.
ROGUIERROGUY adj. roguish.
ROGUINGroguing v. Present participle of rogue.
ROGUE v. to cheat or defraud.
ROGUISHroguish adj. Unprincipled or unscrupulous.
roguish adj. Mischievous and playful.
ROGUISH adj. dishonest.
SHOGUNSshoguns n. Plural of shogun.
shōguns n. Plural of shōgun.
SHOGUN n. (Japanese) a hereditary military governor of Japan.
VOGUERSvoguers n. Plural of voguer.
VOGUER n. one who vogues, performs to pop music a stylized dance.
VOGUIERVOGUEY adj. in vogue.
VOGUINGvoguing n. (Dance) A stylized form of modern dance characterized by photographic-style poses integrated with angular…
VOGUING n. performing to pop music, also VOGUEING.
VOGUISHvoguish adj. Elegant, fashionable or chic.
voguish adj. Trendy.
VOGUISH adj. fashionable.
YOGURTSyogurts n. Plural of yogurt.
YOGURT n. (Turkish) a semisolid, somewhat sour foodstuff, made from milk curdled by the addition of certain bacteria, also YAOURT, YOGHOURT, YOGHURT, YOGOURT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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