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There are 16 seven-letter words containing OGL

BOGLANDbogland n. Land that is predominantly boggy; marshland.
BOGLAND n. marshland.
BOGLINGBOGLE v. to perform the bogle, a kind of rhythmic dance.
DOGLEGSdoglegs n. Plural of dogleg.
doglegs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dogleg.
DOGLEG v. to move along a bent course.
DOGLIKEdoglike adj. Similar to a dog; canine.
doglike adj. Similar to that of a dog.
doglike adj. (Rare) Befitting a dog.
FOGLESSfogless adj. Free of fog.
FOGLESS adj. having no fog.
FROGLETfroglet n. A frog that skips the tadpole stage and emerges as a fully-developed frog.
froglet n. (Ethnic slur) A little or insignificant French person.
FROGLET n. a small frog, also FROGLING.
GOGLETSgoglets n. Plural of goglet.
GOGLET n. (Portuguese) a porous earthen jar for cooling water by evaporation, also GUGLET, GURGLET.
GOOGLEDgoogled v. Simple past tense and past participle of google.
Googled v. Simple past tense and past participle of Google.
GOOGLE v. to look for information using the web search engine Google.
GOOGLESgoogles n. Plural of google.
googles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of google.
Googles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Google.
HOGLIKEhoglike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a hog.
HOGLIKE adj. coarsely selfish, also HOGGISH.
LOGLINElogline n. (Authorship) A very short summary of a script or screenplay.
logline n. (Nautical) The line fastened to the log, and marked for finding the speed of a vessel.
LOGLINE n. a line for finding the speed of a vessel.
LOGLOGSloglogs n. Plural of loglog.
LOGLOG n. the logarithm of a logarithm, also LOLOG.
OGLINGSoglings n. Plural of ogling.
OGLING n. the act of ogling.
SHOOGLEshoogle v. (Transitive, Scotland, Northern England) To shake or rock rapidly.
shoogle n. An act of shoogling; a shake.
SHOOGLE v. (Scots) to swing, sway back and forth, also SHOGGLE, SHOOGIE.
SHOOGLYshoogly adj. (Scotland) shaky, giddy, unsteady, rickety.
SHOOGLY adj. (Scots) shaky, also SHOGGLY.
ZOOGLEAzooglea n. Alternative form of zoogloea.
ZOOGLEA n. (Greek) a jellylike mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLOEA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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