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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing ODU

GEODUCKgeoduck n. (Uncountable) The species of large saltwater clam Panopea generosa, native to the northeast Pacific…
geoduck n. (New Zealand) Other species of Panopea, especially Panopea zelandica, native to the coasts of New Zealand.
GEODUCK n. (Native American) a large edible clam, also GWEDUC, GWEDUCK.
IODURETioduret n. (Chemistry, obsolete) iodide.
IODURET n. (obsolete) an iodide.
MODULARmodular adj. Consisting of separate modules; especially where each module performs or fulfills some specified function…
modular adj. (Chiefly mathematics) Of or relating to a module or modules.
modular adj. Relating to mode or modulation.
MODULESmodules n. Plural of module.
MODULE n. a standard of measurement.
MODULUSmodulus n. (Mathematics) The base with respect to which a congruence is computed.
modulus n. (Mathematics) The absolute value of a complex number.
modulus n. (Physics) A coefficient that expresses how much of a certain property is possessed by a certain substance.
NODULARnodular adj. Of or relating to a nodule or nodules.
nodular adj. Possessing, composed of, or similar in form to nodules.
NODULAR adj. composed of nodules.
NODULEDnoduled adj. Having nodules.
NODULED adj. having a nodule or nodules.
NODULESnodules n. Plural of nodule.
NODULE n. a little rounded lump or swelling.
PODUNKSPODUNK n. a small unimportant town.
PRODUCEproduce v. (Transitive) To bring forth, to yield, make, manufacture, or otherwise generate.
produce v. (Transitive) To make (a thing) available to a person, an authority, etc.; to provide for inspection.
produce v. (Transitive, media) To sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc) to an audience or to the public.
PRODUCTproduct n. Anything that is produced; a result.
product n. (Countable, uncountable) A commodity offered for sale.
product n. (Cosmetics, uncountable) Any preparation to be applied to the hair, skin, nails, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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