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There are 14 seven-letter words containing OAM

BEFOAMSbefoams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of befoam.
BEFOAM v. to cover with foam.
COAMINGcoaming n. (Nautical) On a boat, the vertical side of above-deck structures, such as the coach roof, hatch, and cockpit.
coaming n. A raised frame, designed to deflect or prevent entry of water, around an opening (e.g., a hatch or skylight)…
COAMING n. a raised border.
DEFOAMSdefoams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of defoam.
DEFOAM v. to remove foam from.
FOAMERSfoamers n. Plural of foamer.
FOAMER n. something that foams.
FOAMIERfoamier adj. Comparative form of foamy: more foamy.
FOAMY adj. covered with foam.
FOAMILYfoamily adv. In a foamy manner.
FOAMY adv. covered with foam.
FOAMINGfoaming v. Present participle of foam.
foaming n. A process that forms foam.
FOAMING n. the act of foaming.
ISOAMYLisoamyl n. (Chemistry) the organic radical derived from isoamyl alcohol; 3-methyl butyl.
ISOAMYL n. isoamyl acetate, an organic solvent and flavouring.
LOAMIERloamier adj. Comparative form of loamy: more loamy.
LOAMY adj. resembling loam.
LOAMINGloaming v. Present participle of loam.
LOAM v. to cover with loam.
ROAMERSroamers n. Plural of roamer.
ROAMER n. one who roams, a wanderer.
ROAMINGroaming v. Present participle of roam.
roaming n. (Countable) An instance of wandering.
roaming n. (Uncountable, telecommunications) The ability to use a cell phone outside of its original registering zone.
SEAFOAMseafoam n. A foam created by the agitation of seawater.
seafoam n. A type of confectionery made with egg whites, corn syrup, and brown sugar.
SEAFOAM n. foam formed on the sea.
STROAMSstroams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stroam.
STROAM v. to wander about idly and vacantly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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