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There are 19 seven-letter words containing OAL

COALBINcoalbin n. A bin for the storage of coal.
COALBIN n. a bin for storing coal.
COALBOXcoalbox n. A box for storing coal.
COALBOX n. a box for storing coal.
COALERScoalers n. Plural of coaler.
COALER n. a ship that carries coal.
COALIERcoalier adj. Comparative form of coaly: more coaly.
COALY adj. containing coal.
COALIFYcoalify v. (Paleontology, of a fossil) To change into coal.
COALIFY v. to convert into coal.
COALINGcoaling v. Present participle of coal.
coaling n. The supplying of a ship or steam locomotive with coal.
COAL v. to supply with a carbon fuel.
COALISEcoalise v. (Archaic) to form into a coalition; to coalesce.
COALISE v. to bring into coalition, also COALIZE.
COALIZEcoalize v. (Archaic) To form into a coalition; to coalesce.
COALIZE v. to bring into coalition, also COALISE.
COALMANcoalman n. Someone who delivers coal.
coalman n. Someone who sells coal.
coalman n. A coal miner (as distinguished from other type of miners).
COALMENcoalmen n. Plural of coalman.
COALMAN n. a coal merchant.
COALPITcoalpit n. A pit where coal is extracted.
coalpit n. (US) A place where charcoal is made.
COALPIT n. a pit from which coal is obtained.
FOALINGfoaling v. Present participle of foal.
foaling n. Act of giving birth to a foal.
FOALING n. the act of giving birth to a foal.
GOALIESgoalies n. Plural of goalie.
GOALIE n. a player who defends against goals.
GOALINGgoaling v. Present participle of goal.
GOAL v. to score a goal.
RECOALSrecoals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recoal.
RECOAL v. to refill with coal.
SHOALEDshoaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of shoal.
SHOAL v. to sail into shallow water.
SHOALERshoaler n. A coasting vessel.
SHOAL adj. shallow, also SHAUL.
SKOALEDskoaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of skoal.
SKOAL v. (Old Norse) to down a drink in one gulp, also SKOL.
SUBGOALsubgoal n. A lesser goal that forms part of a greater goal.
SUBGOAL n. a subordinate goal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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