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There are 16 six-letter words containing OTO

BOTONEbotoné adj. Alternative form of botony.
BOTONE adj. having buds or knobs at the extremity, applied to a cross, also BOTONEE, BOTONNEE, BOTTONY.
CROTONcroton n. Any of various plants, of the genus Croton, that yield croton oil.
croton n. A tropical evergreen shrub, Codiaeum variegatum, having glossy foliage, cultivated as a houseplant.
Croton prop.n. A river in southern New York.
KOTOWSkotows n. Plural of kotow.
kotows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kotow.
KOTOW v. (Chinese) to grovel, also KOWTOW.
MOTORSmotors n. Plural of motor.
motors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of motor.
MOTOR v. to travel by automobile.
MOTORYmotory adj. Causing or setting up motion.
motory adj. (Biology) Relating to organs of motion.
MOTORY adj. conveying motion.
NOTOURNOTOUR adj. in Scots law, notorious.
PHOTOGphotog n. (Informal) A photographer, especially a professional one.
PHOTOG n. (colloquial) one who takes photographs.
PHOTONphoton n. (Physics) The quantum of light and other electromagnetic energy, regarded as a discrete particle having…
PHOTON n. a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation.
PHOTOSphotos n. Plural of photo.
photos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photo.
PHOTO v. (colloquial) to photograph.
POTOOSpotoos n. Plural of potoo.
POTOO n. a kind of bird, a large South American goatsucker.
PROTONproton n. (Physics) A positively charged subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and determining…
proton n. (Obsolete, anatomy) Synonym of primordium.
PROTON n. a subatomic particle.
ROTOLIrotoli n. Plural of rotolo.
ROTOLO n. (Italian) an Italian form of rotl, a unit of weight, also ROTL.
ROTOLOrotolo n. (Italian cooking) A kind of roll.
rotolo n. (Historical units of measure) Alternative form of rottol: a former Middle Eastern and North African…
Rotolo prop.n. A surname.
ROTONSrotons n. Plural of roton.
ROTON n. a quantum of vortex motion.
ROTORSrotors n. Plural of rotor.
ROTOR n. a rotating part of a machine.
SOTOLSsotols n. Plural of sotol.
SOTOL n. (Nahuatl) any of several desert plants of the agave family, native to southwestern North America.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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