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There are 7 six-letter words containing OTL

FOOTLEfootle v. To waste time; to trifle.
footle v. To talk nonsense.
footle n. Nonsense; foolishness.
KGOTLAkgotla n. Any of several types of public meeting in a Botswana village, especially one involving a gathering of tribal elders.
kgotla n. The place where such a meeting is held.
KGOTLA n. (Bantu) an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana, also LEKGOTLA.
MOTLEYmotley adj. Comprising greatly varied elements, to the point of incongruity.
motley adj. Having many colours; variegated.
motley n. An incongruous mixture.
PEYOTLpeyotl n. Alternative form of peyote.
PEYOTL n. (Nahuatl) a Mexican intoxicant made from cactus tops, also PEYOTE.
POOTLEpootle n. (Britain) A stroll; a wandering.
pootle v. (Britain) To wander or ramble in a leisurely, indirect, or aimless manner, such as by walking or driving; to potter.
POOTLE v. to travel in no particular hurry.
ROOTLErootle v. (Of an animal) to dig into the ground, with the snout.
rootle v. (Of a person) to search for something from a drawer, closet, etc.; to dig out.
ROOTLE v. to grub.
TOOTLEtootle v. (Intransitive) To make a soft toot sound.
tootle v. (Transitive) To play (a musical instrument) making such a sound.
tootle v. (Intransitive, colloquial) To go (somewhere); to amble aimlessly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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