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There are 8 six-letter words containing OJA

KHOJASKhojas n. Plural of Khoja.
KHOJA n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern title of respect, also KHODJA.
POOJAHpoojah n. Obsolete spelling of pooja.
POOJAH n. (Sanskrit) a Hindu worship practice, also PUJA, POOJA, PUJAH.
POOJASpoojas n. Plural of pooja.
POOJA n. (Sanskrit) a Hindu worship practice, also PUJA, POOJAH, PUJAH.
RIOJASriojas n. Plural of rioja.
Riojas prop.n. A surname.
Riojas n. Plural of Rioja.
ROJAKSROJAK n. (Malay) a salad dish served in chilli sauce.
TROJANtrojan n. (Computing) Malware that appears to perform or actually performs a desired task for a user while performing…
trojan adj. (Astronomy) Describing a satellite (moon or minor planet) that shares an orbit with another.
trojan v. (Computing, transitive) To infect (a system) with a trojan.
YOJANAyojana n. A Vedic unit of distance used in ancient India, believed to be approximately 6 to 15 kilometers (4 to 9 miles).
YOJANA n. (Hindi) in the Indian subcontinent, a measure of distance, also YOJAN.
YOJANSyojans n. Plural of yojan.
YOJAN n. (Hindi) in the Indian subcontinent, a measure of distance, also YOJANA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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