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There are 16 six-letter words containing OGA

BIOGASbiogas n. A mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, produced by anaerobic digestion of organic waste matter, used as a fuel.
BIOGAS n. gas obtained by bioconversion.
BOGANSbogans n. Plural of bogan.
Bogans prop.n. Plural of Bogan.
BOGAN n. (Canadian) a quiet tributary or backwater, aka pokelogan.
BOGARTbogart n. (Slang) An obnoxious, selfish and overbearing person; an attention hog.
bogart v. (Slang) To selfishly take or keep something; to hog; especially to hold a joint (marijuana) dangling…
bogart v. (Slang) To get something by bullying, intimidation; be a tough guy.
BROGANbrogan n. A heavy working shoe; a brogue.
Brogan prop.n. A surname from Irish.
Brogan prop.n. A male given name.
DOGATEdogate n. The office or dignity of a doge.
DOGATE n. the office of a doge, or chief magistrate of Venice, also DOGESHIP, DOGEATE.
FOGASHfogash n. Alternative form of fogas (“the fish”).
FOGASH n. (Hungarian) a fish, the pikeperch.
HOGANShogans n. Plural of hogan.
HOGAN n. a wooden dwelling covered with earth, typical of the Navajo Indians of North America.
KOGALSkogals n. Plural of kogal.
KOGAL n. (Japanese) a teenage girl or young woman noted for her busy social life and her purchase of expensive designer clothes and accessories and the latest electronic gadgets.
LAOGAIlaogai n. The use of prison labor and prison farms in the People’s Republic of China.
LAOGAI n. (Chinese) the system of forced labor camps in China.
LOGANSlogans n. Plural of logan.
LOGAN n. a rocking-stone.
NOGAKUnogaku n. Noh (Japanese music drama).
NOGAKU n. (Japanese) a traditional Japanese style of drama, aka noh.
OGAMICogamic adj. Alternative form of oghamic.
OGAMIC adj. written using ogam, also OGMIC.
OOGAMYoogamy n. (Biology) A form of anisogamy (heterogamy) in which the female gamete (e.g. ovum) is significantly larger…
OOGAMY n. the state of having dissimilar gametes.
SLOGANslogan n. A distinctive phrase of a person or group of people (such as a movement or political party); a motto.
slogan n. (Advertising) A catchphrase associated with a product or service being advertised.
slogan n. (Obsolete) A battle cry among the ancient Irish or highlanders of Scotland.
TOGAEDtogaed adj. Wearing or covered by a toga.
TOGAED adj. (Shakespeare) wearing a toga.
TOGATEtogate adj. Clad in a toga; represented in art as wearing a toga.
TOGATE adj. (Shakespeare) wearing a toga, also TOGAED, TOGATED, TOGED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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