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There are 12 six-letter words containing OCE

AVOCETavocet n. Any of four species of wading birds in the genus Recurvirostra, of the family Recurvirostridae, with…
AVOCET n. a wading bird with a long bill bent upwards towards the tip, also AVOSET.
DOCENTdocent adj. Instructive; that teaches.
docent n. A teacher or lecturer at some universities (In central Europe, etc.).
docent n. (Chiefly US) A tour guide at a museum, art gallery, historical site, etc.
DOOCEDdooced adj. (Dated, dialect) Deuced.
dooced adv. (Dated, dialect) Deuced.
dooced v. (Internet slang) Dismissed from one’s job as a result of one’s actions on the Internet.
DOOCESdooces n. Plural of dooce.
DOOCE v. to dismiss (an employee) as a result of unguarded remarks published on the World Wide Web.
EOCENEEocene adj. (Geology) of a geologic epoch within the Paleogene period from about 56 to 34 million years ago.
Eocene prop.n. (Geology) the Eocene epoch.
EOCENE adj. of rock formed in the second epoch of the Tertiary geological period.
GROCERgrocer n. A person who retails groceries (foodstuffs and household items) from a grocery.
grocer v. (Uncommon) To sell groceries; to act as a grocer.
GROCER n. a dealer in food and household supplies.
NOCEBOnocebo n. (Pharmacology, also attributive) A substance which a patient experiences as harmful due to a previous…
NOCEBO n. (Latin) a harmless substance that induces harmful effects in patients having negative expectations.
NOCENTnocent adj. (Rare) Causing injury; harmful.
nocent adj. (Obsolete) guilty; not innocent.
nocent n. (Obsolete) Guilty person.
OCEANSoceans n. Plural of ocean.
OCEAN n. one of the vast bodies of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface.
OCELLIocelli n. Plural of ocellus.
OCELLUS n. (Latin) a small simple eye found in many invertebrates; an eyelike marking.
OCELOTocelot n. An American feline carnivore (Leopardus pardalis, syn. Felis pardalis) covered with blackish ocellated…
OCELOT n. (Nahuatl) an American wildcat.
VELOCEveloce adv. (Music) (To be played) with great rapidity.
VELOCE adv. (Italian) rapidly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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