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There are 14 six-letter words containing OCA

AFOCALafocal adj. (Optics, of an imaging system) Not focused.
afocal adj. (Optics, of a lens) Neither concave or convex (focal point at infinity).
AFOCAL adj. denoting a method for transferring an image without bringing it into focus.
BOCAGEbocage n. Alternative spelling of boscage.
BOCAGE n. (French) a decorative representation of trees, leaves, etc.
COCAINcocain n. Dated form of cocaine.
COCAIN n. a narcotic, also COCAINE.
LOCALElocale n. The place where something happens.
locale n. (Computing) The set of settings related to the language and region in which a computer program executes…
locale n. (Mathematics) A partially ordered set with the following additional axiomatic properties: any finite…
LOCALSlocals n. Plural of local.
LOCAL n. a person belonging to a particular place.
LOCATElocate v. (Transitive) To place; to set in a particular spot or position.
locate v. (Transitive) To find out where something is located.
locate v. (Transitive) To designate the site or place of; to define the limits of (Note: the designation may be…
NOCAKEnocake n. Indian corn parched and pounded into meal (powder), used as food by Native Americans, sometimes mixed…
NOCAKE n. (Native American) a meal made from parched maize.
PHOCAEphocae n. Plural of phoca.
PHOCA n. (Latin) a genus of seals that includes the common harbour seal.
PHOCASphocas n. Plural of phoca.
PHOCA n. (Latin) a genus of seals that includes the common harbour seal.
SOCAGEsocage n. (Historical) In the Middle Ages (and chiefly but not exclusively medieval England), a legal system whereby…
SOCAGE n. a form of feudal land tenure, also SOCCAGE.
TROCARtrocar n. A pointed hollow cylindrical device used to make small incisions and surgically insert cannulas, etc…
TROCAR n. a surgical instrument, a kind of stylet, also TROCHAR.
VOCABSvocabs n. Plural of vocab.
VOCAB n. (short for) vocabulary.
VOCALSvocals n. Plural of vocal.
vocals n. (Music) The words of a song together with other sounds sung by a vocalist.
VOCAL n. a sound uttered by the voice.
ZOCALOzocalo n. A town square or marketplace, especially in Mexico.
ZOCALO n. (Spanish) in Mexico, a public square or plaza.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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