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There are 15 five-letter words containing OUG

BOUGEbouge n. (Now historical) The right to rations at court, granted to the king’s household, attendants etc.
bouge v. To swell out.
bouge v. To bilge.
BOUGHbough n. A tree-branch, usually a primary one directly attached to the trunk.
bough n. (Obsolete, figuratively, poetic) A gallows.
Bough prop.n. A surname.
COUGHcough v. (Intransitive) To push air from the lungs in a quick, noisy explosion.
cough v. (Transitive, sometimes followed by "up") To force something out of the throat or lungs by coughing.
cough v. (Intransitive) To make a noise like a cough.
DOUGHdough n. A thick, malleable substance made by mixing flour with other ingredients such as water, eggs, and/or…
dough n. (Slang, dated) Money.
dough v. (Transitive) To make into dough.
GOUGEgouge n. Senses relating to cutting tools.
gouge n. A cut or groove, as left by a gouge or something sharp.
gouge n. (Originally US, colloquial) An act of gouging.
HOUGHhough n. The hollow behind the knee.
hough v. To hamstring.
hough n. Obsolete spelling of hoe.
JOUGSjougs n. (Historical) A chained iron collar once used in churches to expose sinners to public scorn.
jougs n. Plural of joug.
JOUGS n. (Scots) an old instrument of punishment consisting of a hinged iron collar locked round an offender's neck and attached by a chain to a wall or post.
LOUGHlough n. (Ireland) A lake or long, narrow inlet, especially in Ireland.
lough n. (Northumbria) lake, pool.
Lough prop.n. A surname.
OUGHTought v. (Obsolete) simple past tense of owe.
ought v. (Auxiliary) Indicating duty or obligation.
ought v. (Auxiliary) Indicating advisability or prudence.
ROUGErouge adj. Of a reddish pink colour.
rouge n. Red or pink makeup to add colour to the cheeks; blusher.
rouge n. Any reddish pink colour.
ROUGHrough adj. Not smooth; uneven.
rough adj. Approximate; hasty or careless; not finished.
rough adj. Turbulent.
SCOUGscoug v. Alternative form of scug.
SCOUG v. (Scots) to shelter, also SCOG, SCOOG, SCUG, SKOG, SKUG.
SOUGHsough v. To make a soft rustling or murmuring sound.
sough n. A murmuring sound; rushing, rustling, or whistling sound.
sough n. A gentle breeze; a waft; a breath.
TOUGHtough adj. (Of a material) Strong and resilient; sturdy.
tough adj. (Of food) Difficult to cut or chew.
tough adj. (Of a person or animal) Rugged or physically hardy.
VOUGEvouge n. Alternative form of voulge.
VOUGE n. a weapon carried by foot-soldiers in the 14th century, consisting of a blade on a staff, also VOULGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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