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There are 17 five-letter words containing OSS

BOSSYbossy adj. Tending to give orders to others, especially when unwarranted; domineering.
bossy n. (US, informal, dated) A cow or calf.
bossy adj. Ornamented with bosses; studded.
CROSScross n. A geometrical figure consisting of two straight lines or bars intersecting each other such that at least…
cross n. (Heraldry) Any geometric figure having this or a similar shape, such as a cross of Lorraine or a Maltese cross.
cross n. A wooden post with a perpendicular beam attached and used (especially in the Roman Empire) to execute…
DROSSdross n. Waste or impure matter.
dross n. Residue that forms on the surface of molten metal from oxidation.
dross n. The impurities in metal.
FLOSSfloss n. A thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth.
floss n. Raw silk fibres.
floss n. The fibres covering a corncob etc.; the loose downy or silky material inside the husks of certain plants…
FOSSAfossa n. (Anatomy) A pit, groove, cavity, or depression.
fossa n. (Astronomy) A long, narrow, shallow depression on the body of an extraterrestrial body, such as a planet or moon.
fossa n. A large nocturnal reddish-brown catlike mammal (Cryptoprocta ferox) of the civet family, endemic to…
FOSSEfosse n. A ditch or moat.
fosse n. (Anatomy) Alternative form of fossa.
Fosse prop.n. A surname.
GLOSSgloss n. A surface shine or luster.
gloss n. (Figuratively) A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance.
gloss v. (Transitive) To give a gloss or sheen to.
GOSSEGOSSE n. (Shakespeare) gorse.
GROSSgross adj. (Of behaviour considered to be wrong) Highly or conspicuously offensive.
gross adj. (Of an amount) Excluding any deductions; including all associated amounts.
gross adj. (Sciences, pathology) Seen without a microscope (usually for a tissue or an organ); at a large scale; not detailed.
LOSSYlossy adj. (Telecommunications) Of a communication channel, subject to loss of signal strength.
lossy adj. (Power systems) Of an electricity transmission line, subject to various forms of power loss.
lossy adj. (Computing, of an algorithm for converting or compressing data) Reducing the amount of information in data.
MOSSOMosso n. A member of the Mossos d’Esquadra.
Mosso prop.n. A surname.
MOSSO adv. (Italian) in music, with motion or animation.
MOSSYmossy adj. Covered in or overgrown with moss.
mossy n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) Alternative form of mossie (“mosquito”).
MOSSY adj. covered with moss.
OSSIAossia n. (Music) In a musical score, an alternative version of a passage, usually just a few measures long. The…
OSSIA n. (Italian) in music, an alternative passage.
POSSEposse n. A group or company of people, originally especially one having hostile intent; a throng, a crowd.
posse n. (Now historical, in later use chiefly US) A group of people summoned to help law enforcement.
posse n. (US) A search party.
PROSSpross n. (Slang) A prostitute.
Pross prop.n. A surname from German.
PROSS n. (colloq.) a prostitute, also PROSSIE, PROSTIE, PROZZIE.
STOSSstoss adj. (Geology) Facing towards the flow of a glacier or fluid.
STOSS n. the side of a hill facing upstream.
TOSSYtossy adj. (Dated) Tossing the head, as in scorn or pride; hence, proud, contemptuous, affectedly indifferent.
TOSSY adj. tossing the head, as in scorn or pride.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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