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There are 19 five-letter words containing ORM

BORMSBORM v. (dialect) to smear with paint or oil.
CORMScorms n. Plural of corm.
CORM n. the swollen subterranean part of a stem.
DORMSdorms n. Plural of dorm.
DORM n. (short for) dormitory.
DORMYdormy adj. (Golf) Alternative form of dormie.
DORMY adj. being ahead in golf by as many holes to be played, also DORMIE.
ENORMenorm adj. (Obsolete) enormous.
ENORM adj. huge, also ENORMOUS.
FORMEforme n. Obsolete form of form.
forme n. (Printing) Alternative form of form (“type etc. secured in a chase”).
formé adj. Alternative form of formée.
FORMSforms n. Plural of form.
forms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of form.
FORM v. to shape or produce.
GORMSgorms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gorm.
GORM v. (Old Norse) to stare vacantly or handle in a clumsy manner, also GAUM.
GORMYgormy adj. (Britain, chiefly Northern England, US, chiefly New England) Awkward, clumsy, klutzy, ungainly.
gormy adj. (Britain, US, chiefly Southern US) Alternative spelling of gaumy (“sticky, smeared with something sticky; grimy”).
GORMY adj. dauby, smeary, also GAUMY.
HORMEHORME n. goal-directed or purposive behaviour.
KORMAkorma n. A curry made from various spices especially coriander and cumin; and often with yoghurt sauce or nuts.
KORMA n. (Hindi) a mild curry, also QORMA.
NORMAnorma n. A norm.
norma n. A template.
norma n. A square for measuring right angles.
NORMSnorms n. Plural of norm.
NORM n. a standard regarded as typical for a specific group.
ORMERormer n. An abalone or sea-ear, particularly Haliotis tuberculata, common in the Channel Islands.
ORMER n. a sea snail of rocky coasts, aka abalone.
QORMAqorma n. Alternative spelling of korma.
QORMA n. (Hindi) a mild curry, also KORMA.
SLORMSLORM v. to wipe carelessly.
STORMstorm n. Any disturbed state of the atmosphere, especially as affecting the earth’s surface, and strongly implying…
storm n. (Australia) A thunderstorm.
storm n. A violent agitation of human society; a civil, political, or domestic commotion; violent outbreak.
WORMSworms n. Plural of worm.
worms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of worm.
Worms prop.n. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
WORMYwormy adj. Of or like a worm or worms; shaped like a worm or worms.
wormy adj. Infested with worms.
WORMY adj. infested with worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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