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There are 17 five-letter words containing OLO

BOLOSbolos n. Plural of bolo.
Bolos prop.n. An ancient town in Turkey.
BOLOs n. Plural of BOLO.
COLOGcolog n. (Mathematics) Abbreviation of cologarithm.
COLOG n. (short for) cologarithm, the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number.
COLONcolon n. The punctuation mark ":".
colon n. (Rare) The triangular colon (especially in context of not being able to type the actual triangular colon).
colon n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical figure consisting of a clause which is grammatically, but not logically, complete.
COLORcolor n. (Uncountable) The spectral composition of visible light.
color n. A subset thereof…
color n. A paint.
DOLORdolor n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of dolour.
DOLOR n. grief, also DOLOUR.
DOLOSdolos n. (South Africa, uncommon) The bones that are thrown when throwing the bones for divination.
dolos n. (South Africa, uncommon) The ankle bones of sheep or goats formerly used by children as playthings.
dolos n. Interlocking blocks of concrete, used for protection of seawalls and to preserve beaches from erosion…
HOLONholon n. (Physics) One of three kinds of quasiparticle (the others being the spinon and orbiton) that electrons…
holon n. (Philosophy) Something that is both a part and a whole.
HOLON n. an autonomous self-reliant unit, esp. in manufacturing.
HOLOSholos n. Plural of holo.
HOLO n. (short for) hologram.
KOLOSkolos n. Plural of kolo.
KOLO n. (Serbo-Croat) a Serbian folk dance.
LOLOGlolog n. Alternative form of loglog (“logarithm of a logarithm”).
LOLOG n. the logarithm of a logarithm, also LOGLOG.
NOLOSNOLO n. (Latin) a type of legal plea, in full 'nolo contendere', a plea which accepts punishment without conceding guilt.
OLOGYology n. (Colloquial) Any branch of learning, especially one ending in “-logy”.
-ology suff. Alternative form of -logy, used for phonological reasons when the preceding morpheme ends in certain consonant sounds.
-ology suff. (Often humorous) added to an ordinary English word to create a name for a (possibly non-existent) field of study.
OVOLOovolo n. (Architecture) A classical convex moulding carved with an egg-and-dart ornament.
OVOLO n. (Italian) a moulding with the rounded part comprised of a quarter circle.
PAOLOpaolo n. An old Italian silver coin.
Paolo prop.n. A male given name from Italian, equivalent to English Paul.
PAOLO n. (Italian) an obsolete papal coin, also PAUL.
POLOSpolos n. Plural of polo.
POLO n. a game played on horseback.
SOLONsolon n. A wise legislator or lawgiver.
solon n. Any legislator.
Solon prop.n. An ancient Athenian statesman and lawgiver, one of the Seven Sages (c.630-c.560 BC).
SOLOSsolos n. Plural of solo.
Solos prop.n. Plural of Solo.
SOLO v. to perform a solo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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