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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing ODO

ANTIODONTALGICSantiodontalgics n. Plural of antiodontalgic.
ANTIODONTALGIC n. a drug used to alleviate toothache.
CATHODOGRAPHERSCATHODOGRAPHER n. one who takes photographs created using X-rays.
CATHODOGRAPHIESCATHODOGRAPHY n. the taking of photographs created using X-rays.
ICHTHYODORULITEichthyodorulite n. (Zoology) One of the spiny plates found on the back and tail of certain skates.
ichthyodorulite n. (Geology) A fossil fish-spine found in stratified rock.
ICHTHYODORULITE n. a fossilised fish-spine, also ICHTHYODORYLITE.
KINETHEODOLITESKINETHEODOLITE n. a theodolite used in tracking missiles and satellites.
LABYRINTHODONTSlabyrinthodonts n. Plural of labyrinthodont.
LABYRINTHODONT n. an extinct amphibian, so called from a mazy pattern on a section of its teeth.
ODONTORHYNCHOUSODONTORHYNCHOUS adj. of birds, having toothlike ridges inside the beak.
ODONTOSTOMATOUSODONTOSTOMATOUS adj. having biting or toothed jaws.
ODORIFEROUSNESSodoriferousness n. The quality of being odoriferous.
ODORIFEROUS n. giving off an odour; morally offensive, also ODIFEROUS.
ORTHODONTICALLYorthodontically adv. By orthodontic means.
ORTHODONTIC adv. relating to orthodontics, the rectification of crookedness in the teeth.
PERIODONTICALLYPERIODONTIC adv. relating to periodontia, the branch of dentistry concerned with periodontal diseases.
PERIODONTITIDESperiodontitides n. Plural of periodontitis.
PERIODONTITISESPERIODONTITIS n. inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth.
PROSTHODONTISTSprosthodontists n. Plural of prosthodontist.
PROSTHODONTIST n. a specialist in prosthodontics.
TRIIODOMETHANESTRIIODOMETHANE n. another name for iodoform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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