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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing OSM

COSMECEUTICALcosmeceutical n. Any cosmetic that is claimed to have a medicinal action.
COSMECEUTICAL n. a product which overlaps the cosmetics and drugs industries.
COSMETICISINGcosmeticising v. Present participle of cosmeticise.
COSMETICISE v. to make (something unpleasant or ugly) superficially attractive, also COSMETICIZE.
COSMETICIZINGcosmeticizing v. Present participle of cosmeticize.
COSMETICIZE v. to make (something unpleasant or ugly) superficially attractive, also COSMETICISE.
COSMETICOLOGYcosmeticology n. The science of cosmetic products; cosmetology.
COSMETICOLOGY n. the science of cosmetics.
COSMETOLOGIESCOSMETOLOGY n. the study of cosmetics.
COSMETOLOGISTcosmetologist n. A person who advises people (normally women) on cosmetics and other beauty treatments; a beautician.
COSMETOLOGIST n. a person who gives beauty treatments, as to skin and hair.
COSMOCHEMICALcosmochemical adj. Of or pertaining to cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMICAL adj. relating to cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMISTScosmochemists n. Plural of cosmochemist.
COSMOCHEMIST n. one who practises cosmochemistry.
COSMOGRAPHERScosmographers n. Plural of cosmographer.
COSMOGRAPHER n. a student of cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHIEScosmographies n. Plural of cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHY n. a general description of the world or of the universe.
COSMOGRAPHISTcosmographist n. A cosmographer.
COSMOGRAPHIST n. a practitioner of cosmography.
COSMOPOLITANScosmopolitans n. Plural of cosmopolitan.
COSMOPOLITAN n. a citizen of the world.
COSMOPOLITICScosmopolitics n. Global politics.
COSMOPOLITICS n. world politics.
COSMOPOLITISMcosmopolitism n. The condition or character of a cosmopolite; disregard of national or local peculiarities and prejudices.
COSMOPOLITISM n. the state of being cosmopolitan.
COSMOTHETICALcosmothetical adj. Synonym of cosmothetic.
COSMOTHETICAL adj. assuming an external world, also COSMOTHETIC.
ENDOSMOMETERSendosmometers n. Plural of endosmometer.
ENDOSMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring osmosis into a solution.
ENDOSMOMETRICendosmometric adj. Pertaining to, or designed for, the measurement of endosmotic action.
ENDOSMOMETRIC adj. relating to an endosmometer, an instrument for measuring osmosis into a solution.
ISOSMOTICALLYisosmotically adv. With the same osmotic pressure.
ISOSMOTIC adv. of, relating to or exhibiting equal osmotic pressure.
MICROCOSMICALmicrocosmical adj. Alternative form of microcosmic.
MICROCOSMICAL adj. of or like a microcosm, also MICROCOSMIC.
MICROCOSMOSESmicrocosmoses n. Plural of microcosmos.
MICROCOSMOS n. a little universe or world.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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