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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing OEL

BIOELECTRICALbioelectrical adj. Pertaining to bioelectricity.
BIOELECTRICAL adj. of or relating to electric phenomena in living organisms, also BIOELECTRIC.
COELENTERATEScoelenterates n. Plural of coelenterate.
COELENTERATE n. a classification of animals that includes sea anemones, hydra, jellyfish, and coral.
COELIOSCOPIEScoelioscopies n. Plural of coelioscopy.
COELIOSCOPY n. a medical procedure for examining the abdomen.
ENTEROCOELOUSenterocoelous adj. Alternative form of enterocoelic.
ENTEROCOELOUS adj. of or like an enterocoele.
FERROELECTRICferroelectric adj. (Physics) of, or relating to the permanent electrical polarization of a crystalline dielectric in an electric field.
ferroelectric n. A ferroelectric material.
FERROELECTRIC adj. exhibiting electric polarization.
HYDROELECTRIChydroelectric adj. That generates electricity by converting the energy of moving water, or of steam escaping under high pressure.
hydroelectric adj. Of or relating to the electricity so produced.
hydro-electric adj. Alternative form of hydroelectric.
ISOELECTRONICisoelectronic adj. (Chemistry, of two compounds) Having the same electronic configuration, although consisting of different elements.
ISOELECTRONIC adj. having the same number of electrons or valence electrons.
MICROELEMENTSmicroelements n. Plural of microelement.
MICROELEMENT n. a trace element.
MYOELECTRICALmyoelectrical adj. Relating to myoelectricity.
MYOELECTRICAL adj. of, relating to, or utilizing electricity generated by muscle, also MYOELECTRIC.
PHOTOELECTRICphotoelectric adj. Of or relating to the electric effects of electromagnetic radiation, especially the ejection of an electron…
PHOTOELECTRIC adj. relating to photoelectricity, also PHOTOELECTRICAL.
PHOTOELECTRONphotoelectron n. (Physics) An electron ejected from the surface of a material by the photoelectric effect.
PHOTOELECTRON n. an electron released from a surface by a photon.
PIEZOELECTRICpiezoelectric adj. Of or relating to piezoelectricity.
piezoelectric n. A piezoelectric material or device.
PIEZOELECTRIC adj. relating to electric current generated by compression of crystals.
PSEUDOCOELOMSpseudocoeloms n. Plural of pseudocoelom.
PYROELECTRICSpyroelectrics n. Plural of pyroelectric.
PYROELECTRIC n. a pyroelectric substance.
RADIOELEMENTSradioelements n. Plural of radioelement.
RADIOELEMENT n. a radioactive element.
THERMOELEMENTthermoelement n. (Physics) A thermoelectric couple used to convert heat into electricity; a thermocouple.
THERMOELEMENT n. a device for measuring small currents consisting of a wire heating element and a thermocouple in electrical contact with it.
TRIBOELECTRICtriboelectric adj. (Physics) Acquiring an electric charge via friction.
TRIBOELECTRIC adj. of electricity generated by friction.
TURBOELECTRICturboelectric adj. (Of a transmission in ships and locomotives) That uses electric generators to convert the mechanical…
TURBOELECTRIC adj. using or being a turbine generator that produces electricity usually for motive power.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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