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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing ORL

COUNTERWORLDcounterworld n. A world or realm that opposes or subverts the norms of another world or realm.
COUNTERWORLD n. a world imagined in contrast to our own.
NEIGHBORLESSneighborless adj. Without neighbors.
NEIGHBORLESS adj. without neighbors.
NEIGHBORLIERneighborlier adj. Comparative form of neighborly: more neighborly.
NEIGHBORLY adj. like a neighbor, also NEIGHBOURLY.
NETHERWORLDSnetherworlds n. Plural of netherworld.
nether␣worlds n. Plural of nether world (alternative spelling of netherworlds).
NETHERWORLD n. the world of the dead; Hades; the lower depths of society.
OPERATORLESSoperatorless adj. Without an operator (person who operates); fully automatic.
OPERATORLESS adj. without an operator.
OTHERWORLDLYotherworldly adj. Of, concerned with, or preoccupied with a different world than that of the tangible here and now, such…
otherworldly adj. Not belonging to the real world; unnatural; odd and unfamiliar.
other-worldly adj. Alternative spelling of otherworldly.
SCHORLACEOUSschorlaceous adj. Resembling schorl.
SCHORLACEOUS adj. like schorl.
SCHORLOMITESschorlomites n. Plural of schorlomite.
SCHORLOMITE n. a black variety of garnet rich in titanium dioxide.
UNNEIGHBORLYunneighborly adj. Alternative spelling of unneighbourly.
UNNEIGHBORLY adj. not neighborly, also UNNEIGHBOURLY.
UNSAILORLIKEunsailorlike adj. Not sailorlike.
UNSAILORLIKE adj. not like or befitting a sailor.
UNWORLDLIESTunworldliest adj. Superlative form of unworldly: most unworldly.
UNWORLDLY adj. not belonging to this world.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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