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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing OBB

BESLOBBERINGbeslobbering v. Present participle of beslobber.
BESLOBBER v. to slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth, also BESLUBBER.
CASHMOBBINGSCASHMOBBING n. coordinating people to meet and spend money at a local, independent business at a particular time.
COBBLESTONEDcobblestoned adj. Cobbled; laid with cobblestones.
cobblestoned adj. (Medicine) Exhibiting cobblestoning.
COBBLESTONE v. to pave with cobblestones.
COBBLESTONEScobblestones n. Plural of cobblestone.
COBBLESTONE v. to pave with cobblestones.
COLLYWOBBLEScollywobbles n. Often preceded by the: a stomach ache or an upset stomach.
collywobbles n. (By extension) Often preceded by the: anxiety, fear, uneasiness.
COLLYWOBBLES n. bellyache.
FLASHMOBBINGFLASHMOBBING n. the practice of gathering at a given place in response to a message.
GOBBLEDEGOOKgobbledegook n. Alternative form of gobbledygook.
GOBBLEDEGOOK n. unintelligible official jargon, also GOBBLEDYGOOK.
GOBBLEDYGOOKgobbledygook n. (Informal) Nonsense; meaningless or encrypted language.
gobbledygook n. (Informal) Something written in an overly complex, incoherent, or incomprehensible manner.
GOBBLEDYGOOK n. unintelligible official jargon, also GOBBLEDEGOOK.
GRAVEROBBERSgraverobbers n. Plural of graverobber.
grave␣robbers n. Plural of grave robber.
GRAVEROBBER n. one who robs graves.
HOBBLEBUSHEShobblebushes n. Plural of hobblebush.
hobble-bushes n. Plural of hobble-bush.
HOBBLEBUSH n. a low American bush having long, straggling branches and handsome flowers.
HOBBLEDEHOYShobbledehoys n. Plural of hobbledehoy.
HOBBLEDEHOY n. an awkward young fellow.
HOBBYHORSINGHOBBYHORSE v. of a vessel, to pitch violently.
KNOBBINESSESKNOBBINESS n. the state of being knobby.
OUTTHROBBINGoutthrobbing v. Present participle of outthrob.
OUTTHROB v. to surpass in throbbing.
SLOBBISHNESSslobbishness n. The state or condition of being slobbish; slovenliness.
SLOBBISHNESS n. the state of being slobbish.
SNOBBISHNESSsnobbishness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being snobbish.
snobbishness n. (Countable) The result or product of being snobbish.
SNOBBISHNESS n. the state of being snobbish.
STOCKJOBBERSstockjobbers n. Plural of stockjobber.
stock-jobbers n. Plural of stock-jobber.
STOCKJOBBER n. a wholesale dealer in stocks and shares.
STOCKJOBBERYSTOCKJOBBERY n. the profession of stockjobber.
STOCKJOBBINGstockjobbing n. (Trading, dated) Making markets in equity securities; dealing in stocks and shares.
STOCKJOBBING n. a list of stocks and current prices regularly issued.
WOBBLINESSESwobblinesses n. Plural of wobbliness.
WOBBLINESS n. the state of being wobbly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 184 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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