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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing OOP

COOPERATINGcooperating v. Present participle of cooperate.
coöperating v. Present participle of coöperate.
co-operating v. Present participle of co-operate.
COOPERATIONcooperation n. (Usually uncountable) The act of cooperating.
cooperation n. Active help from a person, organization, etc., such as an orderly sharing of space or resources.
cooperation n. Association for mutual benefit, such as for purposes of production or purchase.
COOPERATIVEcooperative adj. Ready to work with another person or in a team; ready to cooperate.
cooperative adj. Involving cooperation between individuals or parties.
cooperative adj. Relating to a cooperative or cooperatives.
COOPERATORScooperators n. Plural of cooperator.
coöperators n. Plural of coöperator.
co-operators n. Plural of co-operator.
COOPTATIONScooptations n. Plural of cooptation.
co-optations n. Plural of co-optation.
COOPTATION n. the act of coopting, also COOPTION.
CUCKOOPINTScuckoopints n. Plural of cuckoopint.
cuckoo␣pints n. Plural of cuckoo pint.
CUCKOOPINT n. an arum with erect spathe and short purple spadix.
GOOPINESSESGOOPINESS n. the state of being goopy.
INTERLOOPEDINTERLOOP v. to loop together.
LOOPINESSESLOOPINESS n. the state of being loopy.
MOSSTROOPERmosstrooper n. Alternative spelling of moss-trooper.
moss-trooper n. (Historical) Any of a band of raiders or bandits who marauded the Scottish borders in the 17th century.
MOSSTROOPER n. (historical) a 17th century border raider.
NICKUMPOOPSnickumpoops n. Plural of nickumpoop.
NICKUMPOOP n. a fool; a silly or stupid person, also NICOMPOOP, NINCOMPOOP.
NINCOMPOOPSnincompoops n. Plural of nincompoop.
NINCOMPOOP n. a fool; a silly or stupid person, also NICKUMPOOP, NICOMPOOP.
OUTSCOOPINGoutscooping v. Present participle of outscoop.
OUTSCOOP v. to surpass in scooping.
PARATROOPERparatrooper n. A type of soldier who is trained to enter combat zones by parachuting from aircraft.
PARATROOPER n. a member of the paratroops.
ZOOPHILISMSZOOPHILISM n. the love of animals; erotic fondness for animals, also ZOOPHILIA, ZOOPHILY.
ZOOPHILISTSzoophilists n. Plural of zoophilist.
zoöphilists n. Plural of zoöphilist.
ZOOPHILIST n. a lover of animals.
ZOOPHYTICALzoophytical adj. Of or pertaining to the zoophytes.
ZOOPHYTICAL adj. relating to a zoophyte, a plantlike animal, as coral, sea anemone, etc., also ZOOPHYTIC.
ZOOPLANKTERzooplankter n. Any organism that is a zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTER n. a single zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTONzooplankton n. (Zoology) Free-floating small protozoa, crustaceans (such as krill), etc. and the eggs and larvae from larger animals.
ZOOPLANKTON n. tiny, free-floating organisms in aquatic systems.
ZOOPLASTIESzooplasties n. Plural of zooplasty.
ZOOPLASTY n. the surgical transfer of tissue from an animal to man.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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