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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing OFL

ISOFLAVONESisoflavones n. Plural of isoflavone.
ISOFLAVONE n. a plant oestrogen, found esp. in soy beans, having possible nutritional benefits.
LACTOFLAVINlactoflavin n. (Dated, biochemistry) riboflavin.
LACTOFLAVIN n. an earlier name for riboflavin.
MACROFLORAEMACROFLORA n. (Greek) plants visible to the naked eye.
MACROFLORASmacrofloras n. Plural of macroflora.
MACROFLORA n. (Greek) plants visible to the naked eye.
MICROFLOPPYmicrofloppy n. Alternative spelling of micro-floppy.
micro-floppy n. (Computing, dated) a 3.5-inch floppy diskette.
micro␣floppy n. Alternative spelling of micro-floppy.
MICROFLORAEmicroflorae n. Plural of microflora.
MICROFLORA n. very small plants, not visible to the naked eye.
MICROFLORALmicrofloral adj. Of or pertaining to microflora.
MICROFLORAL adj. relating to microflora, very small plants.
MICROFLORASmicrofloras n. Plural of microflora.
MICROFLORA n. very small plants, not visible to the naked eye.
PHOTOFLOODSphotofloods n. Plural of photoflood.
PHOTOFLOOD n. an incandescent tungsten lamp.
PROFLIGATESprofligates n. Plural of profligate.
PROFLIGATE n. one who is profligate.
PROFLUENCESPROFLUENCE n. (Milton) the quality of being profluent.
RETROFLEXEDretroflexed adj. Bent in a posterior (backwards) direction, as the uterus.
retroflexed adj. (Phonetics) Being retroflex.
RETROFLEX v. to bend back.
RETROFLEXESretroflexes n. Plural of retroflex.
RETROFLEX v. to bend back.
RIBOFLAVINERIBOFLAVINE n. a member of the vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVIN.
RIBOFLAVINSriboflavins n. Plural of riboflavin.
RIBOFLAVIN n. a member of vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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