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There are 11 ten-letter words containing OFU

BENZOFURANbenzofuran n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of bicyclic heterocycles consisting of a benzene ring fused with one of furan.
BENZOFURAN n. a compound found in coal tar.
BIOFUELLEDbiofuelled adj. Alternative form of biofueled.
BIOFUELLED adj. running on biofuel, also BIOFUELED.
CARBOFURANcarbofuran n. (Chemistry) A highly toxic carbamate pesticide used on field crops.
COFUNCTIONcofunction n. (Mathematics) The trigonometric function of the complement of the supplied angle.
cofunction n. (Programming) A costatement that takes the form of a function and can accept parameters and return a value.
COFUNCTION n. a kind of trigonometric function.
MICROFUNGImicrofungi n. Plural of microfungus.
MICROFUNGUS n. a very small fungus.
NITROFURANnitrofuran n. A class of drug, derived from furan, used to inhibit bacterial growth.
NITROFURAN n. any of several furan derivatives used as bacteria-inhibiting agents.
PROFULGENTprofulgent adj. (Obsolete) Shining forth; brilliant; effulgent.
PROFULGENT adj. shining out; radiant.
PROFUNDITYprofundity n. The state of being profound or abstruse.
profundity n. A great depth.
profundity n. Deep intellect or insight.
PROFUSIONSprofusions n. Plural of profusion.
PROFUSION n. the state of being profuse.
SCROFULOUSscrofulous adj. (Pathology, dated) Of, related to, or suffering from scrofula (form of tuberculosis tending to cause…
scrofulous adj. (Figuratively) Having an unkempt, unhealthy appearance.
scrofulous adj. (Figuratively) Morally degenerate; corrupt.
THIOFURANSthiofurans n. Plural of thiofuran.
THIOFURAN n. a five-membered heterocyclic compound with sulphur, aka thiophen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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