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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing OFO

BIOFOULERSbiofoulers n. Plural of biofouler.
BIOFOULER n. an animal that obstructs or corrupts the environment.
BIOFOULINGbiofouling n. The accumulation of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae and invertebrates) on a wetted surface.
BIOFOULING n. fouling due to biological agents.
BROMOFORMSbromoforms n. Plural of bromoform.
BROMOFORM n. a bromine compound analogous to chloroform.
CHLOROFORMchloroform n. (Organic chemistry) A halogenated hydrocarbon, trichloromethane, CHCl3; it is a volatile, sweet-smelling…
chloroform v. To treat with chloroform, or to render unconscious with chloroform.
CHLOROFORM v. to treat with or as if with the colourless volatile liquid chloroform esp. so as to produce anesthesia.
COFOUNDERScofounders n. Plural of cofounder.
co-founders n. Plural of co-founder.
COFOUNDER n. one who founds something in collaboration with another.
COFOUNDINGcofounding v. Present participle of cofound.
co-founding v. Present participle of co-found.
COFOUND v. to found jointly.
HERETOFOREheretofore adv. (Formal, temporal) Before now, until now, up to the present time; from the beginning to this point.
heretofore adv. (Metatextual) Previously within the present text; earlier herein.
HERETOFORE n. the past.
HYDROFOILShydrofoils n. Plural of hydrofoil.
HYDROFOIL n. a boat fitted with hydrofoils to lift its hull clear of the water at speed.
MICROFORMSmicroforms n. Plural of microform.
MICROFORM n. a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
PIANOFORTEpianoforte n. (Music, dated) A piano.
piano-forte n. Alternative form of pianoforte.
PIANOFORTE n. (Italian) a large keyboard musical instrument.
PROFOUNDERprofounder adj. Comparative form of profound: more profound.
PROFOUND adj. very deep.
PROFOUNDLYprofoundly adv. (Manner) With depth, meaningfully.
profoundly adv. (Evaluative) Very importantly.
profoundly adv. (Degree) Deeply; very; strongly or forcefully.
STYROFOAMSstyrofoams n. Plural of styrofoam.
STYROFOAM n. (tradename) a type of expanded plastic made from polystyrene.
THERMOFORMthermoform v. To use a method of shaping, especially for thermoplastics, while hot.
THERMOFORM v. to give a final shape to plastics by heat and pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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