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There are 11 words containing NTERCALA

INTERCALARintercalar adj. Alternative form of intercalary.
INTERCALAR adj. (obsolete) inserted in a calendar (for example, a day or a month), also INTERCALARY.
INTERCALARYintercalary adj. Describing a time period inserted between others; leap, (as in leap day, leap month, or leap year).
intercalary adj. (Sciences, by extension) Inserted between other things.
intercalary n. Such a time period.
INTERCALATEintercalate v. To insert an extra leap day into a calendar in order to maintain synchrony with natural phenomena.
intercalate v. To insert an extra month into a calendar for the same purpose. The Hebrew calendar has such a month.
intercalate v. (Molecular biology) To insert a substance between two or more molecules, bases, cells, or tissues.
INTERCALATEDintercalated v. Simple past tense and past participle of intercalate.
intercalated adj. (Geology) interleaved, formed in distinctly alternating layers.
INTERCALATE v. to insert (as a day) in a calendar.
INTERCALATESintercalates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intercalate.
INTERCALATE v. to insert (as a day) in a calendar.
INTERCALARIESintercalaries n. Plural of intercalary.
INTERCALARILYintercalarily adv. In an intercalary manner.
INTERCALARY adv. inserted in a calendar (for example, a day or a month), also INTERCALAR.
INTERCALATINGintercalating v. Present participle of intercalate.
intercalating adj. (Chemistry) That intercalates.
INTERCALATE v. to insert (as a day) in a calendar.
INTERCALATIONintercalation n. A period inserted into a calendar as in a leap year.
intercalation n. (Chemistry) The reversible insertion of a molecule between two others.
intercalation n. (Geology) A layer introduced into a pre-existing sequence.
INTERCALATIVEintercalative adj. That leads to intercalation.
INTERCALATIVE adj. relating to intercalation, an insertion or interposing, as of a word between other words in a sentence.
INTERCALATIONSintercalations n. Plural of intercalation.
INTERCALATION n. an insertion or interposing, as of a word between other words in a sentence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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