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There are 13 words containing NSONANT

CONSONANTconsonant n. (Phonetics) A sound that results from the passage of air through restrictions of the oral cavity; any…
consonant n. A letter representing the sound of a consonant.
consonant adj. Consistent, harmonious, compatible, or in agreement.
CONSONANTALconsonantal adj. Of, relating to, or functioning as a consonant.
consonantal adj. Containing one or more consonants.
CONSONANTAL adj. relating to, being, or marked by a consonant or group of consonants.
CONSONANTALLYconsonantally adv. As a consonant, in a manner of a consonant.
CONSONANTAL adv. relating to, being, or marked by a consonant or group of consonants.
CONSONANTLYconsonantly adv. In a consonant or consistent manner.
CONSONANT adv. consistent with.
CONSONANTSconsonants n. Plural of consonant.
CONSONANT n. any speech sound other than a vowel.
INCONSONANTinconsonant adj. Not consonant; disagreeing or clashing.
INCONSONANT adj. not consonant.
INCONSONANTLYinconsonantly adv. In an inconsonant manner.
INCONSONANT adv. not consonant.
POSTCONSONANTALpostconsonantal adj. Following or occurring after a consonant.
POSTCONSONANTAL adj. following a consonant.
PRECONSONANTALpreconsonantal adj. Immediately preceding a consonant or consonant sound.
PRECONSONANTAL adj. preceding a consonant.
SEMICONSONANTsemiconsonant n. A semivowel.
SEMICONSONANT n. a speech sound having the nature of both a vowel and a consonant.
SEMICONSONANTSsemiconsonants n. Plural of semiconsonant.
SEMICONSONANT n. a speech sound having the nature of both a vowel and a consonant.
TRICONSONANTALtriconsonantal adj. (Phonetics) Involving three consonants.
triconsonantal n. A word or root (in particular in an Afroasiatic language) which consists of three consonants.
TRICONSONANTAL adj. having three consonants, also TRICONSONANTIC.
TRICONSONANTICtriconsonantic adj. Synonym of triconsonantal.
TRICONSONANTIC adj. having three consonants, also TRICONSONANTAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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