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There are 7 words containing NEUTRON

NEUTRONneutron n. (Physics) A subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and having no charge; it is a…
NEUTRON n. a particle in the nucleus of an atom, which is without electrical charge and with approximately the same mass as a proton.
NEUTRONSneutrons n. Plural of neutron.
NEUTRON n. a particle in the nucleus of an atom, which is without electrical charge and with approximately the same mass as a proton.
NEUTRONICneutronic adj. (Physics) Relating to neutrons or to neutronics.
NEUTRONIC adj. of or like a neutron.
ANTINEUTRONantineutron n. (Physics) The antiparticle corresponding to a neutron.
ANTINEUTRON n. the antiparticle of the neutron.
ANTINEUTRONSantineutrons n. Plural of antineutron.
ANTINEUTRON n. the antiparticle of the neutron.
PHOTONEUTRONphotoneutron n. (Physics) Any neutron produced by a photonuclear reaction.
PHOTONEUTRON n. a neutron emitted from a nucleus as a result of photodisintegration.
PHOTONEUTRONSphotoneutrons n. Plural of photoneutron.
PHOTONEUTRON n. a neutron emitted from a nucleus as a result of photodisintegration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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