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There are 17 words containing NSECTI

INSECTICIDALinsecticidal adj. Of, relating to, or being insecticide; insect-killing.
INSECTICIDAL adj. destroying or controlling insects.
INSECTICIDALLYinsecticidally adv. As an insecticide.
INSECTICIDAL adv. destroying or controlling insects.
INSECTICIDEinsecticide n. A substance used to kill insects.
INSECTICIDE n. an agent that destroys insects.
INSECTICIDESinsecticides n. Plural of insecticide.
INSECTICIDE n. an agent that destroys insects.
INSECTIFORMinsectiform adj. Resembling an insect.
INSECTIFORM adj. having the form of an insect.
INSECTIFUGEinsectifuge n. A substance that protects against insects.
INSECTIFUGE n. insect repellent.
INSECTIFUGESinsectifuges n. Plural of insectifuge.
INSECTIFUGE n. insect repellent.
INSECTILEinsectile adj. Of, or pertaining to insects.
INSECTILE adj. pertaining to, or having the nature of, insects.
INSECTIONinsection n. A cutting in; incision.
INSECTION n. a cutting in, an incision.
INSECTIONSinsections n. Plural of insection.
INSECTION n. a cutting in, an incision.
INSECTIVOREinsectivore n. Insect-eating animal or plant.
insectivore n. (Zoology, dated) mammal of the now abandoned order Insectivora.
INSECTIVORE n. an animal that eats insects.
INSECTIVORESinsectivores n. Plural of insectivore.
INSECTIVORE n. an animal that eats insects.
INSECTIVOROUSinsectivorous adj. Feeding on insects.
insectivorous adj. (Of a plant) Capable of trapping and absorbing insects; such as the sundew, pitcher plant and Venus flytrap.
INSECTIVOROUS adj. eating insects.
NONINSECTICIDALnoninsecticidal adj. Not insecticidal.
NONINSECTICIDAL adj. not insecticidal.
TRANSECTINGtransecting v. Present participle of transect.
TRANSECT v. to cut across.
TRANSECTIONtransection n. (Surgery) A transverse cut or division.
transection n. (Surgery) The creation of a transverse cut or division.
TRANSECTION n. a cutting across.
TRANSECTIONStransections n. Plural of transection.
TRANSECTION n. a cutting across.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 43 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 64 words

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