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There are 11 words containing NOCTUR

NOCTURIAnocturia n. (Medicine) A frequent need to arise during the night in order to urinate.
NOCTURIA n. excessive urination during the night.
NOCTURIASNOCTURIA n. excessive urination during the night.
NOCTURNnocturn n. (Christianity) The night office of the Christian liturgy of the Hours, such as is performed in monasteries.
nocturn n. (Christianity) A portion of the psalter used during nocturns.
NOCTURN n. any one of the three sections of the service of Matins.
NOCTURNALnocturnal adj. (Of a person, creature, group, or species) Primarily active during the night.
nocturnal adj. (Of an occurrence) Taking place at night, nightly.
nocturnal n. A person or creature that is active at night.
NOCTURNALITIESnocturnalities n. Plural of nocturnality.
NOCTURNALITY n. being nocturnal.
NOCTURNALITYnocturnality n. The condition or habit of being active at night.
NOCTURNALITY n. being nocturnal.
NOCTURNALLYnocturnally adv. During the night.
nocturnally adv. Every night.
NOCTURNAL adv. relating to night.
NOCTURNALSnocturnals n. Plural of nocturnal.
NOCTURNAL n. a nocturnal creature.
NOCTURNEnocturne n. A work of art relating or dedicated to the night.
nocturne n. (Music) A dreamlike or pensive composition, usually for the piano.
NOCTURNE n. (French) a musical composition of a dreamy character; a painting of a night scene.
NOCTURNESnocturnes n. Plural of nocturne.
NOCTURNE n. (French) a musical composition of a dreamy character; a painting of a night scene.
NOCTURNSnocturns n. Plural of nocturn.
NOCTURN n. any one of the three sections of the service of Matins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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