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There are 12 words containing NDENTI

INDENTINGindenting v. Present participle of indent.
indenting n. Indentation.
INDENT v. to cut or tear irregularly.
INDENTIONindention n. The act of indenting a line of text by including blank space at the beginning.
INDENTION n. a blank space left at the beginning of a line, also INDENTATION.
INDENTIONSindentions n. Plural of indention.
INDENTION n. a blank space left at the beginning of a line, also INDENTATION.
PENDENTIVEpendentive n. (Architecture) The concave triangular sections of vaulting that provide the transition between a dome…
PENDENTIVE n. one of four spherical triangles formed by a dome springing from a square base.
PENDENTIVESpendentives n. Plural of pendentive.
PENDENTIVE n. one of four spherical triangles formed by a dome springing from a square base.
RESPONDENTIArespondentia n. (Law, commercial law) A loan upon goods laden on board a ship.
RESPONDENTIA n. a loan on a ship's cargo payable on safe arrival.
RESPONDENTIASrespondentias n. Plural of respondentia.
RESPONDENTIA n. a loan on a ship's cargo payable on safe arrival.
TENDENTIALtendential adj. Of or relating to a tendency.
TENDENTIAL adj. having or showing an intentional tendency or bias, esp a controversial one, biased, also TENDENCIAL, TENDENCIOUS, TENDENTIOUS.
TENDENTIALLYtendentially adv. In a tendential manner or fashion.
TENDENTIAL adv. having or showing an intentional tendency or bias, esp a controversial one, biased, also TENDENCIAL, TENDENCIOUS, TENDENTIOUS.
TENDENTIOUStendentious adj. Having a tendency; written or spoken with a partisan, biased or prejudiced purpose, especially a controversial one.
tendentious adj. Implicitly or explicitly slanted.
TENDENTIOUS adj. marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view, biased, also TENDENCIOUS, TENDENTIAL.
TENDENTIOUSLYtendentiously adv. In a tendentious manner.
TENDENTIOUS adv. marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view, biased, also TENDENCIOUS, TENDENTIAL.
TENDENTIOUSNESStendentiousness n. The characteristic of being tendentious.
TENDENTIOUSNESS n. the state of being tendentious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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