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There are 18 words containing NCONSE

INCONSECUTIVEinconsecutive adj. Not consecutive.
INCONSECUTIVE adj. not consecutive.
INCONSEQUENCEinconsequence n. The state or quality of being inconsequent.
in␣consequence phr. Synonym of consequently.
INCONSEQUENCE n. the state of being inconsequent.
INCONSEQUENCESinconsequences n. Plural of inconsequence.
INCONSEQUENCE n. the state of being inconsequent.
INCONSEQUENTinconsequent adj. (Archaic) Alternative form of inconsequential.
inconsequent adj. Illogical; not following from the premises.
INCONSEQUENT adj. lacking reasonable sequence.
INCONSEQUENTIALinconsequential adj. Having no consequence; not consequential; of little importance.
inconsequential adj. Not logically following from the premises.
inconsequential n. Something unimportant; something that does not matter.
INCONSEQUENTLYinconsequently adv. In an inconsequential way, or a way that suggests a lack of consequence.
INCONSEQUENT adv. lacking reasonable sequence.
NONCONSECUTIVEnonconsecutive adj. Not consecutive.
NONCONSECUTIVE adj. not consecutive.
NONCONSENSUALnonconsensual adj. Alternative form of non-consensual.
non-consensual adj. Without permission, without consensus, with coercion, especially said of sexual relations.
NONCONSENSUAL adj. not consensual.
NONCONSENSUALLYnonconsensually adv. In a nonconsensual manner; without consent.
NONCONSERVATIONnonconservation n. A failure to conserve.
nonconservation n. (Physics) A failure to abide by a conservation law.
NONCONSERVATION n. not conservation.
NONCONSERVATIVEnonconservative adj. Not conservative.
nonconservative n. A person who is not a conservative.
NONCONSERVATIVE adj. not conservative.
UNCONSECRATEunconsecrate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To render not sacred; to deprive of sanctity.
UNCONSECRATE v. to undo the consecration of.
UNCONSECRATEDunconsecrated adj. Not consecrated.
UNCONSECRATED adj. not consecrated.
UNCONSECRATESunconsecrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unconsecrate.
UNCONSECRATE v. to undo the consecration of.
UNCONSECRATINGunconsecrating v. Present participle of unconsecrate.
UNCONSECRATE v. to undo the consecration of.
UNCONSENTANEOUSunconsentaneous adj. Not consentaneous.
UNCONSENTANEOUS adj. not in agreement.
UNCONSENTINGunconsenting adj. Not consenting.
UNCONSENTING adj. not consenting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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