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There are 18 words containing NTRIN

AVENTRINGaventring v. Present participle of aventre.
AVENTRE v. (Spenser) to thrust, direct.
CENTRINGcentring v. Present participle of centre.
centring n. Alternative form of centering.
CENTRING n. a temporary framework for an arch, also CENTERING.
CENTRINGScentrings n. Plural of centring.
CENTRING n. a temporary framework for an arch, also CENTERING.
CONCENTRINGconcentring v. Present participle of concentre.
CONCENTRE v. to have a common center, also CONCENTER.
DECENTRINGdecentring v. Present participle of decentre.
decentring n. The process by which something is decentred.
DECENTRE v. to put out of center, also DECENTER.
INTRINCEINTRINCE adj. (Shakespeare) intricate.
INTRINSICintrinsic adj. Innate, inherent, inseparable from the thing itself, essential.
intrinsic adj. (Anatomy, of a body part) Situated, produced, secreted in, or coming from inside an organ, tissue, muscle or member.
intrinsic adj. (Programming, of a function or operator) Built-in.
INTRINSICALintrinsical adj. Intrinsic.
INTRINSICAL adj. inward, internal, also INTRINSIC.
INTRINSICALITYintrinsicality n. The state of being intrinsic; inherence.
INTRINSICALITY n. the state of being intrinsic.
INTRINSICALLYintrinsically adv. In an intrinsic manner; internally; essentially.
INTRINSICAL adv. inward, internal, also INTRINSIC.
INTRINSICALNESSintrinsicalness n. The quality of being intrinsical; intrinsicality.
INTRINSICALNESS n. the quality of being intrinsic.
INTRINSICATEintrinsicate adj. (Obsolete) intricate.
INTRINSICATE adj. (Shakespeare) intricate, also INTRICATE, INTRINCE.
RECENTRINGrecentring v. Present participle of recentre.
RECENTRE v. to centre again.
RENCONTRINGRENCONTRE v. (French) to encounter or meet, esp. under negative circumstances.
VENTRINGVENTRING n. (Milton) an enterprise.
VENTRINGSVENTRING n. (Milton) an enterprise.
WINTRINESSwintriness n. The state or quality of being wintry.
WINTRINESS n. the state of being wintry.
WINTRINESSESwintrinesses n. Plural of wintriness.
WINTRINESS n. the state of being wintry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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