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There are 15 words containing NTONA

CANTONALcantonal adj. Of, pertaining to, or divided into cantons.
CANTONAL adj. pertaining to a canton.
INTONACOintonaco n. The final, very thin layer of plaster on which a fresco is painted.
INTONACO n. (Italian) in fresco painting, the finishing coat of lime plaster on which the paint is applied.
INTONATEintonate v. (Transitive, intransitive, dated) To intone or recite (words), especially emphatically or in a chanting manner.
intonate v. (Transitive, dated) To say or speak with a certain intonation.
intonate v. (Transitive, dated) To intone or vocalize (musical notes); to sound the tones of the musical scale;…
NONTONALnontonal adj. Not tonal.
nontonal adj. (Music) Concerning atonal music with patterns and repetitions; Mildly atonal.
nontonal adj. (Linguistics) Related to the non-tonal languages.
CENTONATEcentonate n. (Music) A piece composed according to the rules of centonization.
CENTONATE n. a Gregorian chant composed of a patchwork of texts and melodies.
INTONACOSintonacos n. Plural of intonaco.
INTONACO n. (Italian) in fresco painting, the finishing coat of lime plaster on which the paint is applied.
INTONATEDintonated v. Simple past tense and past participle of intonate.
INTONATE v. to modulate the voice.
INTONATESintonates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intonate.
INTONATE v. to modulate the voice.
INTONATORintonator n. A device for adding intonation to synthesized speech.
INTONATOR n. one who intonates.
CENTONATEScentonates n. Plural of centonate.
CENTONATE n. a Gregorian chant composed of a patchwork of texts and melodies.
INTONATINGintonating v. Present participle of intonate.
INTONATE v. to modulate the voice.
INTONATIONintonation n. (Linguistics) The rise and fall of the voice in speaking.
intonation n. Emotive stress used to increase the power of delivery in speech.
intonation n. A sound made by, or resembling that made by, a musical instrument.
INTONATORSintonators n. Plural of intonator.
INTONATOR n. one who intonates.
INTONATIONSintonations n. Plural of intonation.
INTONATION n. something that is intoned.
INTONATIONALintonational adj. Pertaining to intonation.
INTONATIONAL adj. relating to intonation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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