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There are 19 words containing NTITE

ARGENTITEargentite n. (Mineralogy) Silver sulfide, (Ag2S), a primary ore of silver, in cubic or hexoctahedral crystals.
ARGENTITE n. a native sulphide of silver, aka silver glance.
CEMENTITEcementite n. (Inorganic chemistry) A form of iron carbide, Fe3C, that is a component of steel.
CEMENTITE n. a compound of iron and carbon found in cast iron.
ARGENTITESargentites n. Plural of argentite.
ARGENTITE n. a native sulphide of silver, aka silver glance.
CEMENTITEScementites n. Plural of cementite.
CEMENTITE n. a compound of iron and carbon found in cast iron.
KERSANTITEkersantite n. (Mineralogy) A lamprophyre mineral containing biotite and plagioclase.
KERSANTITE n. a dyke-rock of black mica and plagioclase.
PIEMONTITEpiemontite n. (Mineralogy) A monoclinic sorosilicate mineral of the epidote group, reddish in colour.
PIEMONTITE n. a dark red mineral, a hydrated silicate of calcium, aluminium, manganese and iron, also PIEDMONTITE.
TENNANTITEtennantite n. (Mineralogy) A sulfide mineral of iron, copper and arsenic that is an ore of copper.
TENNANTITE n. a blackish lead-gray mineral, a sulphide of arsenic and copper.
KERSANTITESKERSANTITE n. a dyke-rock of black mica and plagioclase.
PIEDMONTITEpiedmontite n. (Mineralogy) piemontite (a manganic variety of epidote).
PIEDMONTITE n. a dark red mineral, a hydrated silicate of calcium, aluminium, manganese and iron, also PIEMONTITE.
PIEMONTITESpiemontites n. Plural of piemontite.
PIEMONTITE n. a dark red mineral, a hydrated silicate of calcium, aluminium, manganese and iron, also PIEDMONTITE.
TENNANTITEStennantites n. Plural of tennantite.
TENNANTITE n. a blackish lead-gray mineral, a sulphide of arsenic and copper.
PIEDMONTITESpiedmontites n. Plural of piedmontite.
PIEDMONTITE n. a dark red mineral, a hydrated silicate of calcium, aluminium, manganese and iron, also PIEMONTITE.
SENARMONTITEsenarmontite n. (Mineralogy) An isometric-hexoctahedral mineral containing antimony and oxygen.
SENARMONTITE n. antimony trioxide in cubic crystalline form.
ANTITERRORISMantiterrorism n. (Law enforcement, military, often attributive) Activity aiming at opposing or preventing terrorism.
ANTITERRORISM n. opposition to terrorism.
ANTITERRORISTantiterrorist adj. Preventing or counteracting terrorism, or reducing the threat from terrorism.
antiterrorist n. One who opposes terrorism.
ANTITERRORIST n. one opposed to terrorism.
SENARMONTITESSENARMONTITE n. antimony trioxide in cubic crystalline form.
ANTITECHNOLOGYantitechnology adj. Opposed to technology.
ANTITECHNOLOGY adj. opposed to technology.
ANTITERRORISMSANTITERRORISM n. opposition to terrorism.
ANTITERRORISTSantiterrorists n. Plural of antiterrorist.
ANTITERRORIST n. one opposed to terrorism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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