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There are 20 words containing NTIPH

ANTIPHONantiphon n. A devotional piece of music sung responsively.
antiphon n. A response or reply.
Antiphon prop.n. An Ancient Greek sophist who wrote several philosophical treatises (480 – 411 BCE).
ANTIPHONSantiphons n. Plural of antiphon.
ANTIPHON n. (Greek) alternate chanting or singing.
ANTIPHONYantiphony n. (Music, singing) alternate, or responsive singing by a choir split into two parts; a piece sung or chanted…
antiphony n. Alternate, or responsive ideas or opinions; juxtaposition.
ANTIPHONY n. antiphonal chanting or singing.
ANTIPHONALantiphonal n. A book of antiphons or anthems sung or chanted at a liturgy; an antiphonary or antiphoner.
antiphonal n. An antiphon; a piece sung or chanted in an antiphonal manner.
antiphonal adj. (Music) Characterized by antiphones or antiphony; incorporating alternate, or responsive singing by…
ANTIPHONERantiphoner n. An antiphonal.
ANTIPHONER n. a book of antiphons or of anthems, also ANTIPHONAL, ANTIPHONARY.
ANTIPHONICantiphonic adj. Having the presence of an antiphon between two choirs with a call and a response in song or in chant…
ANTIPHONIC adj. mutually responsive, also ANTIPHONICAL.
ANTIPHONALSantiphonals n. Plural of antiphonal.
ANTIPHONAL n. a book of antiphons or of anthems.
ANTIPHONARYantiphonary n. An antiphonal.
antiphonary adj. Pertaining to an antiphon or antiphony.
ANTIPHONARY n. a book of antiphons or of anthems, also ANTIPHONAL, ANTIPHONER.
ANTIPHONERSantiphoners n. Plural of antiphoner.
ANTIPHONER n. a book of antiphons or of anthems, also ANTIPHONAL, ANTIPHONARY.
ANTIPHONIESantiphonies n. Plural of antiphony.
ANTIPHONY n. antiphonal chanting or singing.
ANTIPHRASESantiphrases n. Plural of antiphrasis.
antiphrases n. Plural of antiphrase.
ANTIPHRASIS n. the humorous or ironic use of a word or a phrase in a sense opposite of its usual meaning.
ANTIPHRASISantiphrasis n. (Rhetoric) Use of a word or phrase in a sense not in accord with its literal meaning, especially for…
ANTIPHRASIS n. the humorous or ironic use of a word or a phrase in a sense opposite of its usual meaning.
ANTIPHONALLYantiphonally adv. In an antiphonal manner; in the manner of an antiphon.
ANTIPHONAL adv. sung or recited in alternation.
ANTIPHONICALantiphonical adj. Alternative form of antiphonic.
ANTIPHONICAL adj. (obsolete) mutually responsive, also ANTIPHONIC.
ANTIPHRASTICantiphrastic adj. (Rhetoric) of, or relating to antiphrasis.
ANTIPHRASTIC adj. involving antiphrasis, ironical, also ANTIPHRASTICAL.
ANTIPHONARIESantiphonaries n. Plural of antiphonary.
ANTIPHONARY n. a book of antiphons or of anthems, also ANTIPHONAL, ANTIPHONER.
ANTIPHLOGISTICantiphlogistic adj. (Pharmacology) Counteracting inflammation.
antiphlogistic adj. Opposed to the doctrine of phlogiston.
antiphlogistic n. (Pharmacology) A plant or remedy that reduces inflammation.
ANTIPHONICALLYantiphonically adv. With antiphony.
ANTIPHONICAL adv. (obsolete) mutually responsive, also ANTIPHONIC.
ANTIPHRASTICALantiphrastical adj. (Rhetoric) Antiphrastic.
ANTIPHRASTICAL adj. (obsolete) involving antiphrasis, ironical, also ANTIPHRASTIC.
ANTIPHLOGISTICSantiphlogistics n. Plural of antiphlogistic.
ANTIPHLOGISTIC n. an antipyretic, a drug used against inflammation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 84 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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