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There are 18 words containing NTINA

CANTINAcantina n. A drinking establishment, often specifically of the type found in Latin America.
cantina n. A cantina truck, cantina wagon or cantina trailer.
CANTINA n. (Spanish) a bar or saloon; a wineshop.
FONTINAfontina n. A pale yellow cheese from Valle d’Aosta in Italy.
FONTINA n. (Italian) an Italian cheese.
CANTINAScantinas n. Plural of cantina.
CANTINA n. (Spanish) a bar or saloon; a wineshop.
DENTINALdentinal adj. Of or relating to dentin/dentine.
DENTINAL adj. relating to dentine, an ivorylike material making up teeth.
FONTINASfontinas n. Plural of fontina.
FONTINA n. (Italian) an Italian cheese.
ANTINATUREantinature adj. Opposing or destructive to nature, particularly in its sense as the material world and its nonhuman inhabitants.
ANTINATURE adj. against nature.
ANTINAUSEAantinausea adj. (Pharmacology) Intended to prevent or combat nausea.
ANTINAUSEA adj. designed to prevent nausea.
FONTINALISFontinalis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fontinalaceae – fountain moss, brook moss, water moss.
FONTINALIS n. a moss of the Fontinalis genus of aquatic mosses.
ANTINATURALantinatural adj. Contrary to nature.
ANTINATURAL adj. opposed to nature.
ANTINATIONALantinational adj. (Politics) Opposed to one’s own nation; unpatriotic.
antinational adj. (Politics) Opposed to purely national concerns; not founded on the idea of the nation.
antinational n. (Indian politics, Hindutva, derogatory, accusatory) One who is opposed to India, usually suggesting…
ANTINAUSEANTantinauseant n. (Pharmacology) Any drug that counteracts nausea.
FONTINALISESFONTINALIS n. a moss of the Fontinalis genus of aquatic mosses.
ANTINARCOTICSantinarcotics adj. (Law enforcement) Intended to combat narcotics trade or production.
ANTINARRATIVEantinarrative n. (Narratology) A narrative (as of a play or novel) that deliberately avoids the typical conventions of…
ANTINARRATIVE n. a literary form eschewing conventional narrative.
ANTINATIONALSSorry, definition not available.
ANTINAUSEANTSantinauseants n. Plural of antinauseant.
ANTINARRATIVESantinarratives n. Plural of antinarrative.
ANTINARRATIVE n. a literary form eschewing conventional narrative.
ANTINATIONALISTantinationalist adj. (Politics) Of, pertaining to or supporting antinationalism.
antinationalist n. (Politics) A supporter of antinationalism.
ANTINATIONALIST n. one opposed to nationalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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