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There are 11 words containing NTIHE

ANTIHELICESantihelices n. Plural of antihelix.
ANTIHELIX n. the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix, also ANTHELIX.
ANTIHELIXantihelix n. (Anatomy) The curved prominence of cartilage of the external ear, within or in front of the helix.
ANTIHELIX n. the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix, also ANTHELIX.
ANTIHELIXESantihelixes n. Plural of antihelix.
ANTIHELIX n. the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix, also ANTHELIX.
ANTIHELMINTHICantihelminthic adj. Alternative form of anthelmintic.
antihelminthic n. Alternative form of anthelmintic.
ANTIHELMINTHIC n. a drug designed to cure intestinal worms.
ANTIHELMINTHICSantihelminthics n. Plural of antihelminthic.
ANTIHELMINTHIC n. a drug designed to cure intestinal worms.
ANTIHEROantihero n. (Literature, role-playing games) A protagonist who proceeds in an unheroic manner, such as by criminal…
anti-hero n. Alternative form of antihero.
ANTIHERO n. a character with qualities opposite to those of the (conventional) hero.
ANTIHEROESantiheroes n. Plural of antihero.
anti-heroes n. Plural of anti-hero.
ANTIHERO n. a character with qualities opposite to those of the (conventional) hero.
ANTIHEROICantiheroic adj. (Narratology) Of, pertaining to or typical of an antihero.
ANTIHEROIC adj. like an antihero.
ANTIHEROINEantiheroine n. (Literature, role-playing games) A female protagonist who proceeds in an unheroic manner, such as by…
anti-heroine n. Alternative form of antiheroine.
ANTIHEROINE n. a female antihero.
ANTIHEROINESantiheroines n. Plural of antiheroine.
anti-heroines n. Plural of anti-heroine.
ANTIHEROINE n. a female antihero.
ANTIHERPESantiherpes adj. (Pharmacology) Countering herpes.
ANTIHERPES adj. designed to prevent herpes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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