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There are 15 words containing NTATO

ASSENTATORassentator n. An obsequious flatterer.
ASSENTATOR n. a flatterer; one assenting insincerely or conniving.
ASSENTATORSassentators n. Plural of assentator.
ASSENTATOR n. a flatterer; one assenting insincerely or conniving.
CEMENTATORYcementatory adj. Having the quality of cementing, or uniting firmly.
CEMENTATORY adj. having the quality of cementing or uniting firmly, also CEMENTITIOUS.
COMMENTATORcommentator n. A person who comments; especially someone who is paid to give his/her opinions in the media about current…
commentator n. (Historical, law) A medieval legal scholar who authored prose commentaries on civil law; (specifically)…
Commentator n. Alternative letter-case form of commentator (medieval legal scholar).
COMMENTATORIALcommentatorial adj. Relating to the making of commentaries.
COMMENTATORIAL adj. relating to the making of commentaries.
COMMENTATORScommentators n. Plural of commentator.
Commentators n. Plural of Commentator.
COMMENTATOR n. one who gives a commentary.
INCANTATORincantator n. One who works magic by means of incantation.
INCANTATOR n. one who utters incantations.
INCANTATORSincantators n. Plural of incantator.
INCANTATOR n. one who utters incantations.
INCANTATORYincantatory adj. Constituting, employing, dealing with, or suitable for use in incantation.
INCANTATORY adj. of or like an incantation.
ORIENTATORorientator n. An instrument for orientating.
ORIENTATOR n. an instrument for orientating.
ORIENTATORSorientators n. Plural of orientator.
ORIENTATOR n. an instrument for orientating.
PENTATOMICpentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five atoms in each molecule.
pentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five hydrogen atoms capable of substitution.
PENTATOMIC adj. having five atoms in the molecule.
PENTATONICpentatonic adj. (Music) Based on five tones.
pentatonic n. (Music) The pentatonic scale.
PENTATONIC adj. consisting of five tones or notes.
SUSTENTATORsustentator n. A sustaining part or structure.
SUSTENTATOR n. a sustaining part or structure.
SUSTENTATORSsustentators n. Plural of sustentator.
SUSTENTATOR n. a sustaining part or structure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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